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Chinese thought in poetry

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My SO often sent me poems while we were apart.. dare I say hundreds of them... and she explained quite a few...


Since I find myself again apart from her, while she visits china (and possibly extends it longer), I find myself drawn back to the collection of writings she previously sent.


I have here [more than a year later] attempted a few translations, taking a poetic license in doing so. The most difficult ones I understand but cannot translate since what the heart and mind can understand the mouth often cannot speak.


So, here, in english, are a few poetic messages that I hope conveys the chinese feeling and longing for each one of you, as you wait to be united with our SO:



This is a famous writing by the Japanese Zen master, Dogen, called "Moon in a Dewdrop"...


"Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.

The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.

Although its light is wide and great,

The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.

The whole moon and the entire sky

Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass. "




This always reminds me of the two lines my SO wrote me, about the love shared between the fish and the water:



Fish said: You cannot see my tears since I am in the water;

Water said: I can feel your tears since you are in my heart.



Even if the whole world is but snow and ice,

I was the last piece of leaf turning color

Waiting for you, I spread green over my days

Waiting for spring



When by myself, never can think, except you

When by you side, never can forget, even you

When by this life, never can replace, only you



Tonight is as lonely as the ocean,

Tonight, thoughts of you cause a sea of pain.

Our love transforms the lonely waters

Longing for your heart is but a shadow

Of the mind¡¯s overflowing pain.



Worry is temporary, joy forever.

A smile transforms everything

Look to the future

A happy future beckons us.



Although separated by a thousand miles

Yet you are engraved eternally in my mind

To think upon you is to truly think only you



Regardless of the ends of the earth,

Our sincere sentiments join

Hope you can diligently respond

Regardless of where you walk or go

Please ready a blessing for me

To forever be by your side



Boundless the person or ocean

Intimately, not easily, pursues thee

Finally, not easily arrives; I cherish thee

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