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Another Question about vaccinations

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I understand my fiance needs 3 shots as she cannot find any records for vaccinations.

the 3 I believe we need after reading http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/civil.htm

are varicella, MMR and Td. Correct me if I am wrong

Td needs a booster after 6 months (3rd one). Will the need for 3rd booster delay AOS until it is received. I do realize maybe AOS will be longer than 6-9 months out from arrival in the US

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Make an appointment with your local civil surgeon after marriage and let them decide what is needed as far as the shots go. Or you can try finding out over the phone.

Usually it seems to be the varicella, tetanus/diptheria, and a TB test they require. They may require the MMR but my wife wasn't required to have it and she had no record of ever having the MMR.

Alot of the vaccinations can be done at your local health department. Call and find out. Also call around for a good CS and a good price in your area before you make the appointment.

Locations around the country greatly vary in requirements and price, and what records can be presented. Shop wisely.


-good luck

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I understand my fiance needs 3 shots as she cannot find any records for vaccinations.

the 3 I believe we need after reading http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/civil.htm

are varicella, MMR and Td. Correct me if I am wrong

Td needs a booster after 6 months (3rd one). Will the need for 3rd booster delay AOS until it is received. I do realize maybe AOS will be longer than 6-9 months out from arrival in the US


Jie also did not have records, so when in Shanghai we got what was her first set, and then when she came to America, she got her second set, I dont remember all that was included. Main issue was the pricing, it was cheaper in China. I think the first set (MMR/TB) was 240rmb, and the second round at the county health dept was about $175.

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The issue of boosters is a civil surgeon issue; thus indirectly an AOS issue... if the civil surgeon says you need it, then you ain't going to get a signed copy of the I-693 supplement till you get it...


So, unfortunately, it is civil surgeon dependent and there's no consistency across the country. So, your best off finding the right mix of cost, timing, and requirements when finally deciding on shots and civil surgeon.


Here's what I put in the new FAQ:




If you look at the Technical instructions, there is a table showing what is required by age. For most adult alien immigrants:

1) Tetanus - either via your doctor or CS, or from China prior to arrival in US.

2) MMR - either via your doctor or CS, or from China prior to arrival in US; some CSs want both courses done. Second course must be at least 28 days later than first.

3) Varciella (chicken pox) - If she has had this, but you have no proof, the CS might accept the scar on her arm, or request a blood test to prove it.


The trick is going to be finding/convincing a CS you only need the vaccination supplement and not a physical. You might have to call a few before you find one.


Some [K#s] get the vaccination shots in china since they are cheaper to do. Just make sure you get the international yellow book of vaccinations and that some English identification is made as to the vaccination.


Seems the following methods have been used and results vary by location:


1) Get shots prior to Civil Surgeon visit (whether in China or family doctor). Visit CS and see if they will fill out and sign the I-693.


2) Go to Civil Surgeon knowing that they might state the need for something, but you believe you can convince the CS your SO has had it. Only delay will be if he requires second course of MMR or a blood test to prove your SO has the varciella vaccination. Worst case is that Civil Surgeon requires some shot and you must decide to get it then or from your family doctor; You can have the outcome of any shots or tests sent, so that you don¡¯t unnecessarily delay your second trip for pickup.


Some have reported the CS to accept the scar on the SOs shoulder (or just her word); and some report that the second MMR was not asked for by the CS; Others report a blood tests and a second MMR course (required by the CS).

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