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Useless words & the Hopes that strengthen our hearts

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I read some threads earlier and now I wonder



Am I too naive at this or I'm just trying to hope they can make a difference?




It's mama bear's blue slip and shyaushu's sad story that started this avalanche in my brain.



First, I just simply don't get it. Why k1 applications can get visa without this issue - being a CCP?


no matter it's CR1 or K1, isn't it the same in essence? It's for lovers ( wifes & fiancees) who want to get together with their loved ones. Why they make such a big deal out of this. I mean as long as you are not an activist in the party. Besides, US did a lot name checks, they should have known this people's background pretty well. We understand this and respect whatever they do. But simply reject a case only based on this is not acceptable. Oh, maybe - I meam, assume that US side don't want to approve a case for some other reason, which they rather not put on the table- then they will use this as an excuse to deny on a visa? I don't know,but if they really wanna reject a case- they must have a pretty good reason. I mean they are not doing this for themselves- this is their job - to keep everything in order.


Even if one day they reject my visa, I would truly understand them, it could be some unreasonable issues to me, but significant to them. I don't care how they judge me but I'd be heart broken for I know my love will be heart broken too, and we might never be able to get over that mishappen. I mean, for so many years we try so hard to love each other, not even thinking about getting a visa at the very beginning. Now our fate and love is in other people's control and we can't do nothing about it. We just wait - for the uncertainties. Our life can be altered after this. To the goverment, any of us waiting here is nothing but just another pair of individuals, no more than two objects to them ( not their fault, since they don't know us.) There is no wonder many people here who are truly in love get some setbacks while some looking for a green card in the future get approved.


The point is - THHIS IS NOBODY'S FAULT. Too many applications;busy schedules;frauds;bias!

This world is unfair. I used to think why do USA spend so much time make people filling forms-providing documents which can even be fake), reviewing the papers which can not speak the truth but often telling lies instead! Why don't they just shorten that and make each applicant take a 2-3 hours interview, during which an officer will talk to the chinese face to face like friends, they can talk everything about the couple, they can even put every applicant under an lie-tester ( u know, the kind of device which tells if u r honest). On the other hand, if you truly love a person , the feeling can not be hide. Nobody can be a perfect actor! If the love is not real it shows in some way. I know 2 hour interview is long, but compare to letting some bad ass women or men get into US by using a good citizen! I mean, f$%K them! If you wanna go to USA and can not get a work visa or any other visa! Don't screw with some good guys who are searching for love and a fine woman. You can either get yourself sneaked across US border ( even if u might need to risk ur life during the crazy trip), or you can just give up ur "dream" rather than destorying other people's. Well, I know I'm talking to myself, they wouldn't give a damn.



I don't know why I said so much. I never knew anything about visa or going to USA, all I knew was it's not that easy and many people want to go( for what? some of them might not have a damn idea. For ordering a big Mac meal by $ 4 something in USA but not paying 25 RMB in China? what the hell? what's the difference? Life is basically same everywhere, without love, nowhere is wonderland. Without love, life is less than what it's called.



I want to go to US too. The first reason is my love lives there and we need to be with each other, the second reason is that I assume there will a lot of fun things we can do and getting married in Vegas, the third reason is still my love lives there and we have to be with each other, the 4th reason is ditto., the 5th reason is ditto.


I'm an ordinary chinese girl, way too ordinary to dream too big. I don't want too much in my life. Cause I believe there is many means in which I can pursuit and acquire my own happiness, and a heart filled with calmness can defeat any bad feelings. But I can not be so calm now whenever I think if I fail the visa, it means extreme sadness to my love. I can't care less because he is all I care. I don't think human's heart is capable of being in love too often, true love can be found maybe once in a lifetime, i know it's old fashioned, but it's true.

We are young, and have so many chances to encounter new romances in our lives while not having each other at present. But I know nothing can compare to what we have now. Our heart can not love again like what we did/ do. So please don't say you will get over it.Cuz we never will. So I do hope any visa officer will focus on the couple's true relation instead of bugging on if a person is ineligible for the visa. And I do believe the reason for marriage frauds becoming such a commonplace is because the cheaters know that they have a fat chance to make a fool out of this whole justice system , WHY? Cause we only go over the so called evidences which can be accumulated with a very evil intention. The visa officer can never tell, this is not their faults, they try hard. Therefore, the job is on yourself, when you fall in love, be sober, even if love is indeed blind, but you can not be blind enough to marry someone who is using you and wasting goverment's money and time, in the end that can also screw the whole game up and make some true lovers scapegoats when everything is getting messy and hard to be discerned. I know it's easy said than done.



To speed up the cases and perfect the system in a long run is their job. To be hoest and true to our souls is our job. I don't believe in God or any religionm but I pray for us, him and I. I pray for every couple here who knows what it really takes and means to love somebody. And I pray every visa officer can have a great insight, and as important, a heart that is filled with compasion and love.



This is not normally what I will write about & I don't like starting a thread. I hate analyzing things and debating. I believe we complicate things when we do that. I think humans should be engaged in simplify things in modern society, to utilize our wisdom to nail the core instead of making too much rules while people keep breaking them with no effort.



Wish you all can have the love you deserve and a visa to get together soon.

Edited by chinalove (see edit history)
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