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Candle is 400 today!

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Today, the 400th member has joined this group, meaning we have grown 25% in just over ONE MONTH. Membership has more than trippled since the Arizona Wolfman made his first post on CFL in mid-December.


In the last several weeks, we have seen the results of all our efforts of the past several months both as members of CFL and as members of the G7 group (many of whom are now CFL members). The government has listened to us, and they have begun to get their act together. This is proof that we have strength in numbers.


There is still work to do as we still wait for the few remaining BHOD visas, the 'on hold' visas, and some others that are being delayed. But the theme of most posts now seem to be relating to questions about the visa process, timelines, culture, travel, SARS, . . . contrast to about 6 weeks ago before the 'visa river' began to flow.


I would have rather that my fiancée had received her visa at her interview (as is happening nowadays). But I am glad to have been a part of this group that has called the government's attention to and helped them fix the visa delay problem. I have met many friends here and have found much-needed support that I would never have found otherwise.


If you are one of the last 200 members to join CFL, I would strongly suggest that in your spare time you should read the old posts. Some members (such as markimwaiting and ana) who have had quite an effect, have disappeared from CFL after receiving their visas. Not only might some of your questions be answered, but you may get more insight on what is used to be like before the visa stream began to flow. I still remember the 'Black December' and the couple months that followed when not only were there virtually no visas issued, but also no information issued us from the government.

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Thanks! I'm still here, just lurking. Completely exhausted these days, putting in some long hours at the office this week. Sleep now. :P I should bring the "sleep" smiley into the 15 main smileys ... I think he's my favorite.


P.J. -_- -_-

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Hi All,


I haven't posted in a while, but I have been reading. I just wanted to add my congratulations and thanks to PJ. This website has been a gold mine of information, and a great source of support. PJ, you started this ball rolling, and brought together so many caring and wonderful people.


Many thanks!

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A Thanks to everyone a CFL,


I am still here and have been reading as often as possible. CFL has a great group of people here and I know many will be friends for a long time to come. I have been a member since December and receieved so much help during all of the delays. A special thanks to PJ for all of his work. Every thing is wonderful having Ella and her daughter here with me now. We are planning our wedding next week, filling out paperwork for AOS, and best of all Ella is expecting our first child Dec. 5th. I will keep every one updated.

Tine & Ella

Indianapolis :D :rolleyes: :lol: :)

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