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As a White Man

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My brother in law is white and lives in South Africa. He has duel citizenship - therefore, he is an African American. That should totally confuse everybody. :sosad:



now thats funny...


but what if a white guy is born in south africa and migrates to US?


would he not be known as African American?

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A friend of mine who was born in Egypt and immigrated here as a small child with his parents 40 years, claims himself as African American, He's been a US citizen for 35 years and has amazing stories about scholarships, jobs, college admissions and a run in with the NAACP. And another friend is originally from Papua New Guinea and gets really ticked when someone calls him an African American.


As aye,



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A friend of mine who was born in Egypt and immigrated here as a small child with his parents 40 years, claims himself as African American, He's been a US citizen for 35 years and has amazing stories about scholarships, jobs, college admissions and a run in with the NAACP. And another friend is originally from Papua New Guinea and gets really ticked when someone calls him an African American.


As aye,





You can call me anything under the sun but,

don't call me late for dinner!


"Sticks n Stones etc"



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  • 2 weeks later...

How I long to form the ... Old Rich Overweight White Guys Club ... but that would be deemd inappropriate.


What are you talking about Jim? That Club has been in existence since day one of the founding of the company. Only very recently have the rest of the clubs been allowed to form themselves. Perhaps they just haven't invited you to the exclusive meetings yet? :ok:

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