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Websites about culture difference?

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If anyone has any information it would be much appreciated.


My fiance and I have bumped heads a bit about culture and now she is worried that she will not know what is right or wrong (like ettiquette) in social settings.


Does anyone have any recommendations for websites that speaks about the cultural differences. I found this one:






Edited by lyscra (see edit history)
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If you have a good attitude about learning as you go, I think it is better than trying to anticipate. You really wont know you have a cultural difference until you bump into it. Some things are just amusing. Others can be annoyances, while some are Ah Has why don't we do it that way. Then there are the how can they do anything so illogical differences.


Start out with that the water stays in the tub even if you need to clean the bathroom difference. That can lead to expensive repairs. And you make darn sure to buy yourself slippers to wear in the house. I think the rest can be worked out.


Read the threads here. There are many culture stories told. Oh, and be ready to start training.

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