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I know it is the weekend, time for a new off the wall topic, now that the dust bunnies are cleaned up in most of our homes by now. How many of you out there play ping pong and are you good at it, I did set up our table last week, and have two good Bejing paddles, better than our U.S. paddles, I am getting better, but need practice, how about the rest of you? improving? or not much better. or don't play, interferes with the pacemaker. :P :P

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I love table tennis and have been playing since my college years. Li and I are well matched. Most of our games end with scores within three points of each other. She wins about half and I win about half. She has one wicked serve, however, that has taken me years to figure out. :P


Love to play the game, especially with her. Great fun! Once we get settled in over here will probably by a table. Brought all our rackets back with us.

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We went to play at a YMCA-like place on both of my trip to see Jen. She beat me without mercy everytime we kept score, usually by 2 to 1 :(

I plan to get a folding table and put it in the garage when she gets here. I hold the paddle about as weird as I hold the chopsticks. :lol:

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You are correct on the paddle, Yan's has a shorter handle also, maybe it is because they hold it upside down. but she plays with either one, long or short. :lol: Judge the smiley face and you know the score, need to practice a good what ever against the spins. One eyeball for all the ones I miss

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