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administrative review

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We had an interview 8 weeks ago at GZ. Lili got a blue slip for a Resume signed by her boss. We sent that in the next week. On 10/01/06 Lili received an EMS letter from the embassy. It was the color BLUE again. I watched her open it from the webcam. Poor woman was devastated. The letter mentioned "administrative Review" for 3 months then recontact. No other details were given. I emailed the embassy. On 10/06/06 (during holiday week), I got a response. Certainly not what I expected. Of the ten things I could expect. ""Some aspects of the applicant's work experience requires clearance with the

state department. 3 months is just an estimate. As soon as it is completed,

we will send the applicant a notice with instructions on how to proceed to

the next step.""


Well, at least I know what the issue is now. I feel much better. GZ really should have put that on the blue slip, instead of administrative review. Does anyone know how this process progresses? I am not sure where to call the state department at. I expect this happens many times in a given year. Lili works for a tier 1 supplier to the oil industry. With all the spying cases some scrutiny is warranted. I am presuming they just make a note in file somewhere and send it back. I expected worse things. But this being non-standard I worry about unusual time frames to complete. What a bummer. aaaahhhhhhhhh



10/05 filed 129F

1/06 iscis complete

2/06 nvc finished

4/06 GZ has application entered

8/09/06 interview gz , blue slip

10/1/06 admin review by mail

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what the hell? how can they reject you like that? Is it a big deal? ooops.

hehe, do you really love her much?



bytheway, what if your SO is unemployed, she is not having any jobs, dose it matter?




I would certainly be heart broken without her. I would guess a real spy would lie about occupation and have a fake birth certificate. I think this is more for finding International criminals than anything. I have read up a little about condor and mantis checks. They are sent elctronically to state department. typical is 60 days with 25% at 120 days. And a few at longer, and some lost. usually done for research students. no clear guidelines on who needs them. the embassy is frustrated as much as us it seems. I havent found any information specific to 129f and the checks, but I imagine its the same. usually the FBI is the last one to respond to the state department. Several agencies report on the checks. I think if a concern is raised, no chance of a Visa. And certainly an appeal would be fruitless. Quite the situation. I will try seeing about the FBI end next week. I dont think they have a help line for this. Its a behind the scenes thing. A report mentioned GZ has an agent that does nothing but track condor and mantis. Because its sent electronically, they should have a fast response other than timelines and formating problems. IE lost applications and duplicate sends. I guess I never realized just how many agencies the US government has. GZ seems to be doing the best they can. The report mentioned india is backlogger several times as bad as GZ. Things could be worse I guess. If I figure out any phone numbers from this I will post them, so others caught in the same situation will have some info. It looks like the 3 month timeline quoted is potentially accurate. GZ doesnt know which applicants to do the check on. Technical information is confusing. She probably mentioned oil and electronics in the interview. Buzzwords that set off alarm bells. Even though she is an administrative assistant, the company is more relevant than the applicant. As an engineer, I would be more concerned about the persons skills in a given area. But thats just me. Sure would be an improvement if the EMS notice just said what was going on. Less stress. "We are sorry, doing a condor check, ~ 3 months then visa, have a wonderful day". Thanks for the tip on Mantis.

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