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Why the time difference?

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As far as thinking that giving illegal's amnesty they will stay in these same jobs after they become legal is wishful thinking. As soon as they become citizens here and don't have to hide anymore they will look to improve their situation just like any other American. So there will still be a demand for these jobs that brought them here in the first place, which of course will require new illegal's to replace them.


Depends on type of visa or residency they get from their amnesty. If they simply get unconditional amnesty, become LPR and are allowed to stay no matter what, then yes it would be crazy for them to stay in their low wage job. Yet, from my understanding this was not the type of visa/residency they were being granted.

This is only my understanding of the amnesty program (it could be wrong). The amnesty program allows the illegal alien to gain guest worker status. This requires not only for the illegal alien to file a request, but attain a letter of employment from their place of work. By doing it this way the worker is required to stay in the employment of their current employer or they run the risk of becoming illegal again. This was written into the program because many thought once they become legal, they will search for higher paying jobs taking them away from Americans. It is also my understanding through recent research that though this has been presented to Congress, it is not law yet and not yet available to illegal aliens. So, now my idea as to why certain service centers are slow has just been shot full of holes.


Another way to do this would be to round up all the illegal aliens sending them back to their country. Allow them or others to apply for a guest worker visa to return to the job they had before. You still get to the same place, but the outlay of money and resources which are already strained become a hinderence. Not to mention the turmoil it will place on the local economy while this is being carried out.


America is definately ruled by the almighty dollar. Business always searches for the cheapest way to get their product to market. I agree, if it doesn't directly affect the pocket book, then the average American could care less.

Edited by C4Racer (see edit history)
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It is also my understanding through recent research that though this has been presented to Congress, it is not law yet and not yet available to illegal aliens. So, now my idea as to why certain service centers are slow has just been shot full of holes.


Another way to do this would be to round up all the illegal aliens sending them back to their country. Allow them or others to apply for a guest worker visa to return to the job they had before. You still get to the same place, but the outlay of money and resources which are already strained become a hinderence. Not to mention the turmoil it will place on the local economy while this is being carried out.


That is indeed correct. It's not law at all. It's still held up in the Senate.


Also, I have been too lazy to find the actual report and was hoping someone else would, but the conjecture that VSC has the smallest number of applications/petitions submitted is completely wrong. I remember specifically reading in a governmental report which showed that VSC has by far the most number of submissions--more so than any other SCs, including CSC. In fact, the report showed that they would pour MORE future funding to VSC to deal with the anticipated future growth of applications submitted to VSC. It's either in the GAO report from Congress or the Ombudsman's report from USCIS, but I specifically recall that part of the report which REALLY stood out to me. I was furious because CSC is already so slow compared to VSC and they are infact going to pour more funding into VSC. But the numbers do show that already VSC receives the largest number of submissions of all the SCs.


Please note that the report did NOT focus on I-129F only. The data shows the number of petitions for all applications sent to the SCs.

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