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I got this petition in my email from a cousin yesterday. It has over 400 signatures on it. While I agree that ilegal aliens shouldn't be eligible for social security benefits what about legal permanent residents? My wife is a tax paying contributing member to society. My ex wife is from Japan and has been a tax paying member of society for 30 years. Should they not be entitled to a fund they have paid in to? I swear the general public gets so worked up about an issue then they fail to realize the implications of their actions.


Social Security


As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow illegal aliens to access to Social Security benefits. Attached is an opportunity to sign a petition that requires citizenship for eligibility to that social service You can Agree or Delete. Instructions are below.


When there are 500 names, send to: President@WhiteHouse.gov


PETITION FOR: President Bush , Gov. Schwarzenegger and Congressman Dana Rohrbacher


Mr. President and Gentlemen:


The petition below is a protest against what the Senate voted on recently which allows illegals to access our social security! We demand that you and all congressional representatives require citizenship for anyone to be eligible for social services in the United States. We further demand that there not be any amnesty given to illegals, and NO free services or funding, or payments to and for illegal immigrants. We are fed up with the lack of action about this matter and are tired of "paying" for services to illegals! Tell Senor Fox to pay for his own people!


Agree or Delete: Instructions to sign are at the bottom.


(407 names)


IF you don't forward the petition and just stop it, we will


lose all these names. If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you know. Thank you!!! To add your name, click on "forward". You will be able to add your name at the bottom of the list and then forward it to your friends.

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The problem is that this rhetoric is incomplete in describing the situation and facts...


It's well known that those who petitions for certain visas are eligible to apply for EAD (ergo, then for SSN)... apparently, there is a fairly good number who eventually are found to not be eligible in the end.. but since the process took longer than 90 days, the EAD issuance kicks in !!


So, it's really unclear if these petitions are about an existing procedure which is bound to be self-defeating in some cases or something else.

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You can see a critique of the petition here:




And you can see a report on what the senate actually voted on here:




(summary: The subject of the proposed amendment was not about giving (or denying) Social Security benefits to illegal aliens; it was about whether a select group of formerly illegal workers (i.e., those who might obtain legal immigration status if the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 were enacted) should be able to receive credit for payments they made into the Social Security system using phony Social Security numbers (i.e., numbers that were invalid or had been assigned to others). Such persons would still be eligible to collect Social Security benefits in the future; they just wouldn't receive credit for payments they had already made into the system.)



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Thanks for the info Brian. I is as I thought a hare brained idea. I'm of two minds on the issue of giving them credit for moneys paid. On one hand it was their money and they paid it in. On the other it was done by fraudulent means for the purpose of working illegally in the US.

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Seems like it doesn't go far enough.. i've they have verified a person as illegal why does it stop at just denying benefits? Because different branches are responsible for different issues I guess.


I recall long ago in Washington DC, they did a sting operation to get people with back unpaid police tickets.. they sent them a message in the mail saying they had won a free ticket to a Redskins game... and it was quite successful.


I realize that they could never gather all the illegals, but once you identify one, it's beyond me why one would attempt something more.. maybe they do.

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Banning people from collecting social security isn't acutally a bad idea, but if that is the intention then they need to be repayed all the money they put in plus interest. They might have enough in that savings account to want to return to their home country. :lol:


In fact, I'd be glad to get in on that deal myself. Give me back the money I put in and pay me interest on the money as if it had been in a simple savings account. :)

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