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Well I just left from a (lately) typical busy day at work and got some groceries and cruised on home...Well I had a few envelopes in the mail and one of them suddenly caught my attention...It was from the Department of Homeland Security!...I thought this can't be good, it must be a delay in my petition!...*LOL*...I quickly opened it up only to find a very similar letter to my NOA#1 but this was an "Approval Notice"!!!...Our NOA#2!!!...I can't believe after reading all the stories of how others have had months and months of waiting that our application was approved this quickly!...This surely must be HER luck because I rarely have good luck like this!...*LOL*...I know we got a LONG ways to go and anything can happen from here but I said right from the begining that I would celebrate each and every step we make...I'm very happy about this, I feel like a little boy who's just recieved the coolest toy!...Ha!...I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that our application process continues on smoothly...And of course I will be keeping my fingers crossed for all the wonderful couples here at the Candle!!!!...


Good Luck Everyone!!!...



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