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Should mail or physically present overcome document?

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We got a blue slip for a very very small thing. We have been completely unaware of this requirement- my husband's resume. My husband has PHD degree and has traveled a lot to Russia. GUZ requested for his resume. We got caught unguard. Fortunately this is a simple overcome. But the question is should we mail it through the post office or should we make another appointment and personaly present the document in GUZ? Timing wide, which one is faster?


My husband told me that the VO definitely has already determined the outcome. The 3 or 5 minute interivew is just a confirmation from VO's point of view. We also learn a lesson -- If your SO has higher education, it's better to have resume ready.


Thanks for your response!

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you could also ask them if they will accept it as a fax ... there have been a few rare cases where they will take something small like this as a fax.


Don't be caught off guard if it goes into Administrative Review.. it's hard to know what all they want to do with resumes.


At least if you drop it off as overcome, you might get to slip in a question or two (when to expect a response)...

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