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From: China Visa in HK

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Good information, Thanks. How long has it been since you got your visa through HK?

It is very easy to get your visa in Hong Kong. First any travel agent will do it, or you can simply go to the Chinese consulate. Get one the Hong Kong subway and get off the Wan Chai stop. Go to the exhibition center. You will find this on any map in the subway...the exhibition center is a huge building that you can not miss. Once you get off the subway follow the signs to the exhibition center and there will be an over the street walkway that will take you directly there. It is a massive building. In this building there is a place call the immigration center...this is NOT what you want. This is for getting visas and residence for Hong Kong. The Chinese consulate is one block to the east of the exhibition center and is called the "China Resource Center". There are guards in the exhibition center who all speak English. They will be happy to shop you where you need to go.

Once at the China Resource center you will see a sign that says "Chinese Visas this way---->. You will then go through security and take an elevator. The correct floor is clearly marked in the elevator. Once you get off the elevator, fill out the paperwork and take a number. Once your number is called you go up to a window and give them your passport and the application. If you get the same day service you can come back in a few hours to pick it up. They also offer a nest day service and a three day service but I don't think this is what you want.

Hong Kong is probably the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get a visa. Even though you rush the visa in Hong Kong it is cheaper than getting it at a consulate in the US.


Good Luck!

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Since the law changed, I think you have to go in person, and you might need to be fingerprinted. But, even so, you should be able to get it same day, or next day at the latest. I wouldn't sweat it. For some reason, the visa laws in HK are different. For example, 2 years ago (just before the law changed) I was able to go to a travel agent and get a 1 year business visa. All I needed was about $100, a passport picture and my passport. I didn't even need to fill out any paperwork. Anywhere else in the world, you would need a business license, invitations, and lots of other stuff. The laws have changed, but getting a tourist visa will not be a problem at all. No worries.

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I was in Hong Kong one month ago for my visa. I was getting a Z visa for the company that I work for. I think I paid 400 HK for the visa and 600 HK to rush it. I know you can get tourist visas at the same place, but I do not know the exact price. The reason that I say that Hong Kong is cheaper than getting the visa in the US is because in the US you must pay a middle man to carry your passport to one of the Chinese consulates or you must bring you passport there yourself. This can cost anywhere between and extra 50 - 200 USD depending on how fast you need the visa. In Hong Kong there is no middle man. You get the visa directly.

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