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AOS interview next month !

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hello everybody:

It seems that chinese wives have a very long journey for immigration. Bad experience of GZ interview is still a shadow in my heart while my AOS interview is coming again...

well..this time i feel a little bit better than GZ's, because my husband will go with me&daughter together. however, i need courage to go through it as well as wellprepared for it, therefore, i need CFLers help. what do i need to prepare for ? what kind of questions do the VO usually ask in AOS interview ?

thank you a lot for any help.


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What I've been saying lately to those going to the AOS appointment is "just be yourselves." Try not to feel too nervous or intimidated by the immigration officer. I think most of them are pretty nice and reasonable. Just talk to the officer with confidence and show the officer how happy you are. It's a very informal meeting. The IO just wants to see how things are going with you and your new life.


The things to bring would be all the items that will establish your residence, such as bills, bank accounts and anything else that shows your name and address.

Bring items that have to do with your daughter's school, if she's old enough to be in school. Items like that will further establish your residence.

Take along photographs also.


At our AOS appointment, we brought birth certificates and divorce papers just in case. They were never asked for. I also took along an I-864 with supporting documents which the IO took. He also took my wife's expired EAD card.


Well, best to you on your AOS. All should go just fine, and remember,...just be yourselves!


-good luck

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The AOS interview is quite different from GZ and we found the IO to be very friendly, it was almost like talking with an old friend when we finished. Here is our experience for the AOS Interview. AOS Interview Passed


Relax and be yourselves, this is an informal meeting and they seem to be more interested in your life together and interaction than they are in the paperwork, but they must collect the paperwork to finish the process.

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Bring pictures with family, especially the wedding. Any trips or activities together bring proof of like tickets, hotel receipts and again pictures. Be sure to have evidence of any joint accounts or ownerships like property or bank accounts, etc. Is there a will naming you as beneficiary or insurance policies. These are proof of commitment.

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As with the GUZ interview, try to relax. Practice the possible questions.


Where did you get the visa?

What is your address?

Where do you live?

What is your home telephone number?

Where did you get married? When did you.....?

Give me your..... driver's license, passport, EAD card.

Where does your daughter go to school?


Have copies of everything from visa and AOS with you. Have 2005 taxes ready to give them.


did I say don't worry? You husband must bring some form of picture ID.

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