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Man, I just went from very high to very low.


My fiancee passed her interview on the 13th, and just now when she was going to pick up her visa, they told her that they had to redo the fingerprint again. Not only that, she would have to pay for it, and it can only be scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays.


What a crock, can't the person who's taking the fingerprint figure out if he/she has taken a good one?


This has really screwed up her schedule, and we are at a loss for what to do (stay the weekend in GZ? Go home and PAY to fly back from Beijing AGAIN for a fingerprint? I'm not with her so it makes it 10 times more frustrating) It's messed up, I wanna complain to someone. Actually I wanna rip somebody's head off.


Any advice?





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She says they gave her a piece of paper with a phone number on it 02085187600x7745, it's supposed to be a number she can call to setup another fingerprint appointment. All she gets is the answering machine. She's really ticked off about this, definitely not helping my relationship.

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I think someone else has the same name as your SO.

I saw applicants wait for 2 months after fingerprint then visa pickup.


Yes, there's definitely going to be a same name issue, she has a very common name. She got checked in Thailand when we went for vacation. What does this mean though? She has a passport and personal ID that identifies her uniqueness right? Now she's telling me that they are saying 2-3 months after the fingerprint.

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Also her name uses the same character for her first and last name, which makes perfect sense in Chinese, but throws off all my American friends. Is there anything I can do at this point from this side of the ocean? Will we have to prepare additional things? How many times does she have to go back to GZ? She hates that place.

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This doesn't happen that often.. it's not clear if it's because of a name check "hit", but I suspect so based on your saying how common the name is.. A hit usually results in a fingerprint check.


I would just get the soonest date and get it out of the way, even if it meant staying a few days instead of flying back and forth. One step at a time. Nothing you can do but wait.

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Hang in there! So far, my wife has been fingerprinted six times since we started this process and, lo and behold, a few weeks ago we received another letter stating that she needed to be fingerprinted again. We just filed for removal of conditions on her green card, so we are much farther along than you. Still, don't be surprised how many times they want fingerprints...and money! :suck_kr: :whistling:

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