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getting visa

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Does anyone has a situation that didn't get the visa after passing the interview? My father passed his interview but when he went pick up his visa, he got denied on it. He got a blue slip and instructed him to take a fingerprint check(10 fingerprint here). After the fingerprint, my father was told to go home and wait for further decision on his visa.

Anyone know how long will my father to wait? This is kind of weird. I mean normally people doesn't go through this step after passing the interview.

For those who read this topic. Please share you thought here. Anything will be appreciated.

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I think Lee's answer was exactly right in your other thread.


The incident that you reported may very well have triggered the fingerprint request. If so, they should be able to match up the fingerprints right away and see that his record is clear, hopefully quickly.


Unfortunately, there is no way to get any useful information until the processing is complete, so you will have no idea of when to expect it.


Good luck.

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