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Found:Chinese SpyWare on My PC

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Here is a link to Mike Lin's Start Up program:

Start Up

One version is a stand alone program and the other lives in Control Panel, but they both work the same.

It makes it very easy to go in and see what gets loaded into your PC every time you power up, and just as easy to delete the things that you don't need to have running in memory every single time you power up!

Check it out!


I'll have to check it out.


Every now and then my wife will get

an out of memory error.


I'll take a look and I'll see she maybe running

12 - 15 things. Of course half of the stuff is

in Chinese. <_<

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Jess had it on her computer. I fought and swore are CNS* for hours. I had to safe mode, regedit, and everything else I could think of to kill that SOB.


Adaware saw it, Spybot saw it, and Windows Defender saw it. None could completely eliminate it.


So I deleted every instance of cns* in the registry manually, then had the spyware kill it, then did the safe mode. You also have to make sure you can see all hidden files (or know how to explain that to your lao po if your/her PC is in chinese windows (which Jess' is)). 3721 and c:\windows\downloaded program files folders should be executed with impunity. You lose shockwave and maybe others, but it kills the pesky cns*.dll files when you are in safe mode.


My wife had a ton of junk on her machine. Tencent GONE, QQ GONE (no 'free' accounts were apparently available, in a web-based bait and switch as far as I am concerned.


Run the scanners often, and also be sure that you get Windows Defender.


I prefer firefox, and there are some nice pop up blockers and other features written for it to minimize the extraneous crap on your screen.

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