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Birth Certificate

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"Beneficiary's original birth certificate"

"Beneficiary's Notarial Birth Certificate"

"Notarial marriage certificate"

"Original marriage certificate"


I have two questions about these:

1. We live in a city in Guangdong but my wife's Hukou is in Guangxi. Will she have to return to Guangxi to have these "notarized" or can we do it at a local notary here in GD?


2. Could any of you have your wonderful Chinese spouse translate these phrases and post them here for me? My wife just does not understand the concept, even with a dictionary. I'd SURE appreciate it!!


We're (slooowly) getting closer! Thanks all!!!

-Aaron :D

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I'm in Guangzhou but my Hu Kou is in mid China Jiang Xi.

I'm planning to get those notarized certificates from Guangzhou instead of traveling half a China. In Guanghzhou, I need a Temporary Residence Certificate to get those notarized stuff but I'm not sure what's in other cities of Guangdong.


I can translate for you.


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