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Candle Initiatives

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Hi All,


Well, I sat down and decided on the following initiatives for Candle:


- Complete Dating Application (right now, it needs the ability to view full details of a person's profile and contact that person).


- Language study application. I have some cool ideas for this, which would involve a category/subcategory layout.


Any member could add a new expression.


Each "expression" would have the English word and optional combination of: Chinese characters, pin-ying, notes, and MP3 of how to pronounce the Chinese.


Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, or feedback?



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I agree with Don, that is an excellent idea! I will definitely add that as a category. Now, all I have to do is find the time to code it.


Unfortunately, unlike the Dating Application which I had already mostly written, this one will be a ground up development effort. :lol: :D :lol:


The cool part is I can write it however I want. Swing, anyone? :(



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