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It has long been observed that the days between P4 to Interview appear to shorten for [some] sequential cases within the same month interview...


This timeframe does not really shorten, or should say cannot really afford to shorten too much as people need to make plans once they receive the letters, the K# are instructed to do physicals, etc...


Probably more interesting would be to look at how the overall timelines have shortened over the last year, or how CR1s are fairing against the rest... although with the IMBRA, any timeline pattern has probably ceased at this point...


But I was asked about this issue of P4-IV.. and so later I'll show some on the changes from last year.


Here are graphs for P4-IV, each graph is for one interview month... This link is also on the timeline thread, so you can go there to view the graphs at a later date.


CFL P4-IV Graph

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With the IMBRA now, it will be hard to predict future time lines based off of the past data. K1's will be slower, and the rest should speed up quite a bit, at least for now.


that's very true..


At least with the detailed data (althought not a very large sample set) for this year so far, we will be able to see which parts of the process are affected and by how much...

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Good work David!  The CR1's don't look that good . Low success rate, but it can change quickly with a couple of approvals.


Lets hope so!


three required "statement of relationship documentation"... paula was the recent , "now I have it now I don't" , due to the late minute communist party question...


Seems that this request about the relationship for married folks is on the rise... I just don't see it as much last year. Maybe this is the quota denial request this year...

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Two more graphs added to timeline pinned topic...?






-- CFL P4 - IV Graphs


-- CFL Stats by Visa


-- CFL Stats by Month





wow you werent kidding when you said I broke all your graphs...


Sorry!!! :blink: :wacko: :) :shutup: :banned: :bangin: :bangin: :bangin: :( :lol:






Seriously, Congratulations



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