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form letters, 2 more weeks, 2 more days, what next

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I think the worst part is that now it seems we can't even believe what little information the personnel gives us. We have heard of many instances that info from DOS info line was contradictory. Now the same is happening with Consular Affairs - when you can even get them to speak to you.


First I was given vague form letters. After a while, those were replaced with the, "We are working on the problem and EMS notices will be issued soon." That was soon replaced with, "give us a couple weeks." Now that has been followed by you should hear from GZ in, "a few days," or, "in 2 or 3 days."


It has now become a game of I WONDER WHAT WILL BE THEIR NEXT PREVARICATION? I am fed up. Hopefully the few of us from the Black Hole who are still waiting will join me in barraging our officials with letters demanding real answers and action. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I received a form letter today. I am not happy about the wait.



Dear Mr. xxx:


Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of March 5 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of xxx xxx. Let me assure you that we fully understand that delays in visa issuance are seriously complicating the lives of applicants and of those who are waiting for their arrival.


Your fiancée's case is currently pending completion of required security-related vetting through an interagency clearance process. Changes to this process made in July 2002, together with communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased work volumes, have had the effect of delaying many clearances.


We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance requests. We are also working with technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process.


The Department of State, in its visa processes, will continue to carry out scrupulously all legal and procedural requirements for the protection of the security of the United States. When Ms. xxx's clearance process is concluded, the Consulate will notify her. I hope and trust that the outcome

will not be delayed much longer.


I hope this information is helpful.




xxx xxxx

Acting Division Chief

Public Inquiries

Visa Services

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Guest agl88

That is useless answer. However, if many people keep sending emails to Harty, it will bring out attention, provided the email reply you post is not machine generated.

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That is also an old form letter. Maybe she ran out of cut and paste and is starting over again. I am editing a letter right now that I will send to Ms. Harty's office. I will post it here tomorrow if any of you want to copy and paste parts of it. I think it doesn't matter whom in Harty's office you send to (Piascik, Cabral, or Harty herself).

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Guest agl88

It is unacceptable that CA cannot give you a definite answer on whether the clearance is complete. it is not miscommunication between GZ and DOS. The CA must know for sure if your clearance is done. Why cann't they? I think you can try calling CA number again since it is NOT ordinary issue. Someone needs to give you answer.

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Keep the faith AZ but remain proactive. I am hopeful that your case will see its way to completion soon. I agree that all through the process the worst part has been the lack of meaningful and consistent information. Hang in there buddy.

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If CA did indeed send your case back to GZ, then they should have a State message number or cable number which they sent along with your case. Call CA and ask them to provide you with that number. Ask CA for the date they cleared and sent the case to GZ, then contact GZ with the info. That's what I am planning to do if I don't hear from them in two weeks.

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Sounds like one I got today from my senator.

" My office....notified..still pending..decision reached shortly....will follow up...as further information received..."

Stiill pending not even sent to guz.

interview - 08-28-02

submitted 11-4

resub - 1-4

This is how citizens are treated by those who work for them. ;)

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Guest GZleisha

Thanks for everyone's persistance. I received the same form letter two days ago. My fiance is currently waiting for his Packet 4 and interview appointment. Packet 3 submitted-Sept. 23 What I would like to know is how are the K3 visas being cleared so quickly, while the rest of us wait for months.


Leisha (Montanan living in Guangzhou, China)

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Thanks for everyone's persistance.  I received the same form letter two days ago.  My fiance is currently waiting for his Packet 4 and interview appointment.  Packet 3 submitted-Sept. 23 What I would like to know is how are the K3 visas being cleared so quickly, while the rest of us wait for months.


Leisha (Montanan living in Guangzhou, China)

Have you had a confirmation that GZ received this P3?

If not, since you live in GZ, you might want to drop off a duplicate, just for good measure ;)

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