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Can too much be, too much?

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Hello everyone!


Our application was one of those stuck in the January black hole… but I received an e-mail yesterday from GUZ, stating that the NVC paperwork was entered and the P-3 was sent out to my SO… can I get a “hell yeah”? ! ! ! ! :D


My question stems from an the amount of e-mails, telephones calls and a letter a wrote to my congressman… Can too much be a pitfall and/or red flag?


I had another question. I did some searching on the site, but really wasn’t clear on a change of address… My SO moved back home (Sichuan) from Shanghai to take care of her mother… the address where the P-3 was delivered to was her old address in Shanghai, which just so happens to be where her friend lives now… can I get an “amen”? ! ! :rolleyes:


Should she just let laying dogs lay or should she attempt to change the address?


Thanks to all ! ! !

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Guest ShaQuaNew

:toot::redblob::(CONGRATULATIONS! :):D:toot:


Our Senators and Congressman are in office to serve US citizens and contituents for precisely these reasons. They are sometimes able to get more information than you or I could. I don't believe that your file will be flagged with a note saying that you've been a pain in their butts, but hey, even if it has it sounds like your p3 is on it's way.



As long as her friend is living in the home listed on the petition I would do as you suggest and let the sleeping dog lie.

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Guest pushbrk
:toot::redblob::(CONGRATULATIONS! :):D:toot:


Our Senators and Congressman are in office to serve US citizens and contituents for precisely these reasons. They are sometimes able to get more information than you or I could. I don't believe that your file will be flagged with a note saying that you've been a pain in their butts, but hey, even if it has it sounds like your p3 is on it's way.



As long as her friend is living in the home listed on the petition I would do as you suggest and let the sleeping dog lie.


I agree. My confirmations from NVC have the same word (the name of the apartment complex) misspelled two ways in my Wife and Step-Daughter's address in China. It is not a critical word like the name of the street, so I'm not saying anything about it. They'll get the mail.

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As long as you're comfortable that you'll get the mailings from the consulate, I wouldn't be too concerned about the address.


As it relates to too much correspondence, etc., since it is probable that DOS has a record. I am a firm believer that inquiries, e-mails, etc. do show involvement of the USC which I think is a good thing.


Congratulations on the P3 progress.

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I just went through the whole changing of address. It isn't difficult. I felt it was wise to do this. Earlier in the year, there was like a two week span between receiving P4, and the interview date for some other members. Given this information, I felt there might not be enough time, for the couple that took over my wifes apartment to mail it to her.


We have had enough delays already. I would not be happy if the couple didn't send it to her. Or, even if they did, there wasn't enough time to accomplish all that is necessary. Just a thought.


The way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a two year time span between P4 and Interview :bangin: :headbang:


All I know for sure is,,things change frequently. I'd hate to get caught with my pants down on this part of the process. Once again, just a thought.


Good Luck on whatever you choose to do. :)

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