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can you log in 001?

Guest waterandfish

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Can someone teach me how to log onto 001? Maybe one of the JMs could put together a tutorial for how to navigate it for the people in the group who cannot read Chinese. I know on several occasions, I have made requests to have things posted on 001. Although I appreciate how helpful everyone has been in transferring my posts, I guess I am one of those people who likes to know how to do things for myself. If anyone could post a tutorial, I would be very grateful.



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Aloha from Beijing,

I am an old member on a different computer. It is easy for me to get on to

001.com. I am now in Beijing. There is a major problem however, I can't

read Chinese.


I do not know why Owen was coplaining about the weather. The weather

was clear and cool yesterday. But anything below 66F is cold for anyone

from Hawaii. But that was outside. I had a lot of things to catch up on



Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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Thanks! That is exactly the step-by-step instructions that a non-chinese reader like myself needs.


Hope you don't mind, I copied your post over to the Links and Resources forum. I think others would find it useful and I don't want it to get buried.



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HAH!!!!  :P Got it. Now if someone can actually use this who doesn't read Chinese? All I can say is this did work for me to create an account on 001. Feedback is welcome (but Vivi will probably laugh herself to death when she reads this).


On the main forum page, click the 3rd link at the top left corner - OR -

click on any message in the forum. At the bottom of the message you chose

there will be a reply entry form. The first field will be blank with some

Chinese characters between it and the next empty field. Click the characters.


A new window will open.

Click the link at the end of the first paragraph.

User registration page will appear. Scroll down to the entry form.


Starting at the top left, enter the top left field first...then tab between fields.


User Name :.. the 001 user ID up to 16 English characters or 8 Chinese characters

Top R/H : ... enter "china" - don't know why but it works

Don't know:.. enter "US" or anything - seems to be required

Next R/H : .. your website preference - candleforlove.com worked

Birth Day :.. must be yyyy-mm-dd  it's pretty picky on the format and use the "-"

Choose sex:.. the middle is MALE the bottom is FEMALE - you have to pick one

Email addr:.. Needs to be a proper format

Telephone :.. put in a number with no "-", just numbers

Next field:.. enter a 5 digit number - can be anything

Next field:.. enter a 5 digit number

Last field:.. enter 15 digit number beginning with a 3 

Last field:.. leave the default to automatically log in OR the middle one

to get a session cookie only.


Click the button on the left at the bottom of the form. If you get an error,

recheck your entries.


If you are successful, you will get a new screen that's mostly blank.

The second line is your userID:

The third line is your temporary password:  WRITE IT DOWN


On the next line, there is a link to http//something  -  click on it


In the new window, go to the 4th section. It has 4 fields:


Temp password: remember the one you wrote down?

New password: the one you want

Reenter new password: the new one again to make sure it is spelled right


Click the left button on the bottom of the 4 entry fields and you should have

been able to reset your password.


Close out the window, go back to 001 and post away!

Damn. Doesn't sound too user-friendly.. Why so complicated a log-in process? :D :D

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