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I want to thank you all for maintaining a great web site for all of us frustrated about waiting for so long. It has truly been a moral booster to read and discuss our problems and solution. You all work very well together helping each other and that is what is truly important in our lives. God bless you all and I am praying for all of you.


I visited GZ yesterday and picked up my fiancee's visa from Mr. Hays a true gentlman and an excellent consulate officer. He is working to help us all out.


He told me of a possible fraud problem happening here in China with regard to the EMSs and we should warn our friends waiting. I mentioned I thought the EMSs were taking a longtime to arrive and he told me that sometimes they are held up by an individual who calls the receiver and tells them I understand you are waiting a visa and say, "I can help you get it right away for $100 they pay the $100 and then releases the EMS. So be careful and contact someone at the consulate to find out how to take care of the matter.


Wishing everyone the best. I will be monitoring the site and offering help if I can.

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Guest enight

thank you for the posting Water&Fish! http://club.pchome.net/icons/icon5.gif

...I came back late tonight, and Alan told me Owen called my name here, :(


and those criminals are really too 'smart' devils! I am shocked to read people even would make money on EMS! :) bite bite on them! http://club.pchome.net/icons/5.gif


Gordon & Kathy, thank you for the warning! :(

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