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VO speaks on Tourist Visa's

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Guest ShaQuaNew
damn i wish i could translate this

ChunYan ran across this searching...

she thought it would be interesting reading if anyone could read it..  :unsure:


apparently sina had a forum discussion with a VO...

can anyone translate this?




Try these. While not perfect, it will give you a general idea.







maybe this will show up....



Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
i have had terrible luck with babelfish...

actually if you have the latest patch for office 2k3 it has a decent translator in it


try the bottom link in my post

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Jesse link up the following pages also, it seems to be worthy


Bill, one can tranlate this themselves using the Google Beta website translator found here:




You can copy and paste the following link:




...into the Translate a web page option at the bottom. Be sure to change the picklist to the proper translation.


After it translates, click page two, or three at the bottom

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Jesse link up the following pages also, it seems to be worthy


Bill, one can tranlate this themselves using the Google Beta website translator found here:




You can copy and paste the following link:




...into the Translate a web page option at the bottom. Be sure to change the picklist to the proper translation.


After it translates, click page two, or three at the bottom


Jesse: I tried the Google translator and it didn't even come close to what I typed in. Babel Fish seemed to be much more accurate to me. With Google it almost seemed like something was wrong with my computer. I typed in a simple paragraph, translated it to Chinese Simp. then, translated it back to English. The result had nothing to do with what I typed. Oh well! :exclaim:

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Jesse: I tried the Google translator and it didn't even come close to what I typed in.  Babel Fish seemed to be much more accurate to me.  With Google it almost seemed like something was wrong with my computer.  I typed in a simple paragraph, translated it to Chinese Simp. then, translated it back to English.  The result had nothing to do with what I typed.  Oh well! :exclaim:


The google link is for a beta web-page translator, but you must copy and paste the url into the window as I described. Once you've done that it will translate the entire site, all three pages at once. Now, granted you, you're not going to get a great word-for-word translation, but you will get a real good idea about the topics. It worked great for me....

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Guest ShaQuaNew

page 1


Tourist visas for F1 visa restrictions and processing briefing 




Http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/25 12:16 Sina Education 




U.S. embassy visa officer Burroughs did Sina Tan recent hot issue visas


Moderator : With a tourist visa process for Chinese citizens, such as gender or age, for example, a large majority of the elderly, or a denial in a number of experienced, in a very in broken bits requirements will have very different requirements of large consideration?









Burroughs : Did you just say that we will certainly take into account the number, but we will not prejudge before this person is not consistent with good migration conditions, not from what age to what age do not give visa, not the case. For example in a very short period of time, the visa applicants many times, this is not a good sign, it will make people feel that he is very eager, very urgently to the United States. I hope over time after visa applicants to apply for, such as your personal life with relatively large change, you find a relatively good work, you get married, which is more beneficial to the visa applicant.


Moderator : Refers to find a good job or marriage is defined in the country is?


Burroughs : Yes, it's in the country.


Moderator : In fact, today many of the questions are based on the users to the individual circumstances of the specific issues mentioned.


Website visitor : My daughter wanted the United States next week, I hope the time is boarding high school, I have millions of annual income tax alone, the tax can be as good a single stable income. Proof of income or means only that continuity in the bank deposit certificates? Specific valued Which part?


Website visitor : I just married last month, my husband is American citizens, like me this, my immigration visa waiting there?


Burroughs : Tax Shan certainly, but if the tax is the single visa officer may not be the same as the book knowledge, sometimes do not know where the watch. So, without more likely to help.


U.S. citizens who marry with the visa applicant, you with other visa applicants procedures is the same, if you want to emigrate to the United States, the immigration application for immigration visa to the United States. If you travel only to the short side to make sure that your visa officer in the country with good intensity binding so that you can come back after his visit to the United States. Then you must show that you love the citizens of the United States of America have strength in the work of local binding, not in his short-term constraints, your husband will come back. I do not want to see some people actually want to get to the U.S. green card, the results back to China to live, and finally had to give up his green card, we hope to implement in accordance with the law.


Website visitor : I now studying in the United States a high-school level in public schools 11 years time, my mother has applied for a green card, my own students have H4 visas, and last summer when returning to visit relatives, but also to sign the success. I would like to know, I want to continue in this year's summer vacation to visit relatives back in time to sign back to the United States, is not so smooth, like last year, but also on the basis of certain factors encountered any problems?


Burroughs : We hope that students will often return to see, to visit parents. Students need not apply for a visa to sign afraid, unless it is very bad to happen, we are ready to issue visas.


Moderator : More Internet users using the F1 visa, we hope to introduce in 2006 the U.S. embassy in particular F1 visa processing time some trends for us to do a forecast, or about the absence of a change in the number of new standards? Each year the number of visas will not be through some restrictions? For example, the July and August peak period would reduce the number will not be the case?


Burroughs : For students learning visas to the United States every day, every year without any restrictions on the number, the more students to study American government in the United States benefits both to China and to increase the understanding of the Parties. In fact, in the season of high incidence of student visas, we actually increased the number of appointments to enable students to faster, more conveniently from interviews. We encountered any problems in applying for visas may also be made to our e-mail advice : beijingwebcomments@state.gov


Moderator : Today we asked Mr. Burroughs so many problems, in fact, now many users on the Internet have also been new issues. Because no individual can be said, is not the specific situation of each Internet user, the problem is not mentioned, we can only temporarily for today's chat here. I believe that we issue visas to go to America, not just today aimed mainly at the tourist visa, a visa may have problems if you failed to answer many questions, we can ask questions on the Internet. In addition, Mr. Burroughs introduced to so many, concrete analysis of concrete conditions, but the most important point in your personal preparation materials, you should sign what allows visa officer convinced. You in the preparation of some key materials, such as proof of income such things, but also to put things done.


Well, today we are here to the chat, I hope everyone in the path of the United States visa if you wish to. We also hope that you will continue to pay attention to the chat. Here today on the account, Thank you!



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Guest ShaQuaNew

page 2


U.S. officials talk about ETA visa situation and the denial of the case analysis and

Http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/25 12:16 Sina Education



U.S. embassy officials Burroughs Answering Sina Website visitor visa issues


Moderator : Last week the United States embassy held a news conference, referring to the United States will visit this year to appropriate electronic visas, the visa can be on electronic networks that are very warm response, as many people feel that if the visa can be turned into electronic may facilitate many, but there are many problems to your advice about it. Can you describe to us, ETA said to be in China this year on a trial basis, a specific time and a specific process and requirements, you gave me trouble


创美、就业一体考证辅导 外经贸大远程学历热招

对日就业班热招 朗阁雅思寒假报疯了!


They describe.


Burroughs : This is still a project under development in the United States, we now have not even talked about in this issue, I do not want to do more note here, because I do not want to give you wrong information.


Moderator : Also look forward to the vast number of Internet friends in the electronic visa can be achieved at an early date. Many Internet users now have a wide range of issues on the United States, I came to select some.


Individual visas to answer questions and analysis of the denial case


Website visitor : I had two visits to the United States before, but in the unit for leave without pay after the third application to visit relatives refused. Now have stable income, I now also able to re-apply to visit relatives? Last time it was denial, denial, from the length of time can apply for a visa?


Burroughs : U.S. embassy no requirement that you can, by the denial of the length of time after, but the problem is that if the denial after you want to reapply, you have no personal conditions substantive changes. Because in the time we will do some interviews interviews notes for the next interview officials view. If your situation with no basic change last week, it could easily result in the denial.


Moderator : It appears that with the vast number of Internet users also remind that not too many times you were denial, but each time you re-submit materials in time, we must avoid a repetition of last reason was the denial of the material. I hope you take your materials to the extent possible to complete and comprehensive.


Website visitor : I returned from France

Students Health, about the time I visited in Europe over 10 countries, I have a lot of national passports visas have not been any problems before. If I apply for a tourist visa to the U.S. embassy, is that they should not be able to issue?


Burroughs : No one can never guarantee that the visa applications can get visas, but say, like the President, he had a good foreign travel records show that he could financially support his travel. These will be good for him to have a positive role, but there is no guarantee that he can get American visas.


Website visitor : I am a 67-year-old man, my children are American citizens, and I now in China, I had two visits to the United States experience. If I am now going to run tourist visa, a visa officer will be considered to be the denial of immigrants? Will the existence of such problems?


Burroughs : If the visa applicant have similar visited the United States several times in their passports show that they do not stay late, the return on schedule, on the whole it is quite easy. If similar visa applicants, such as his stay in the United States Late year, the Extension Service if he has permission to apply for visas must carry it.


Moderator : Some Internet users by, for example inside a home are related relatives, or go to America or before a U.S. immigration experience, a Website visitor said that his sister and brother-in-law is F1 visas go, but they apparently work in the United States after graduation, if they have families such visas, For his personal application in the United States on tourist visas will have some impact? If so, the impact would be positive or negative impact will be?


Burroughs : No, but would also like to stress visa applicants own situation, such as his side have good work has strong grounds for believing that he would return to China visa officer.


Website visitor : I embassy last week to get visas, but waited two hours less than a minute after the teams were on the visa officer I did not see the material. There is only one reason for that is because my wife has the green card, but I only go to America to visit relatives, to see my mother-in-law. Like this, I do go to America after the visa would have been the impact?


Burroughs : Green card must be provided for the corresponding year time stay in the United States. In the case of, the concept of green card visa applicant is the wife or husband should be living in the United States, and if your wife live in the United States, you live in China, is the visa officer will be more difficult to believe that the visa officer will be easier to believe that you will talk to him (her) life together. So, sometimes with the visa application interview the officer, we can talk about visa applicants through the current situation, we do not necessarily see him these documents. But regrettably, we still have to prepare those documents, because once we need, for example, we are not fully able to understand the conversation through your personal status of applications, they need to see some documents. If you do not have these documents and this would cause delays in your application, we hope you come again to bring back those documents, so that more time-consuming. So, whether we look at the hope that we would be prepared to these documents.


Website visitor : You mentioned that the income and deposits proved to be done, I might be doing business with Working Capital replacement soon so that the bank can do to prove income?


Website visitor : Referring to the documentary time, especially as bank deposits prove such things, you need to provide the original or copies?


Burroughs : I would like to see the original bank. Business that, before you can put the book, For example, a former money out, the money brought back into the record, is not necessarily subject to the latest book, you have a record of the bank in the money can be brought back. If a new book is not useful.


Website visitor : My parents belong to the local Chinese

Civil Service My English is not good, but we still home to the U.S. investment immigrants. In such cases, the United States embassy in the Chinese citizens applying for visas, will have some review? For example, in addition to language extent of the review, there are some family background review? Or do you think the most important thing is basically deposit certificates and immigration trends? Other factors will be taken into account?


Burroughs : Investment immigrants and non-immigrant visas two entirely different concepts. If their home investment immigrant visas have been approved U.S. national security bureau, which is another matter. For example, if he had applied for work visas, tourist visas, may need a lawyer to help him prepare some documents. Or to interview as many of the documents it can bring.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

page 3


Tourist visas for F1 visa restrictions and processing briefing 




Http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/25 12:16 Sina Education 




U.S. embassy visa officer Burroughs did Sina Tan recent hot issue visas


Moderator : With a tourist visa process for Chinese citizens, such as gender or age, for example, a large majority of the elderly, or a denial in a number of experienced, in a very in broken bits requirements will have very different requirements of large consideration?









Burroughs : Did you just say that we will certainly take into account the number, but we will not prejudge before this person is not consistent with good migration conditions, not from what age to what age do not give visa, not the case. For example in a very short period of time, the visa applicants many times, this is not a good sign, it will make people feel that he is very eager, very urgently to the United States. I hope over time after visa applicants to apply for, such as your personal life with relatively large change, you find a relatively good work, you get married, which is more beneficial to the visa applicant.


Moderator : Refers to find a good job or marriage is defined in the country is?


Burroughs : Yes, it's in the country.


Moderator : In fact, today many of the questions are based on the users to the individual circumstances of the specific issues mentioned.


Website visitor : My daughter wanted the United States next week, I hope the time is boarding high school, I have millions of annual income tax alone, the tax can be as good a single stable income. Proof of income or means only that continuity in the bank deposit certificates? Specific valued Which part?


Website visitor : I just married last month, my husband is American citizens, like me this, my immigration visa waiting there?


Burroughs : Tax Shan certainly, but if the tax is the single visa officer may not be the same as the book knowledge, sometimes do not know where the watch. So, without more likely to help.


U.S. citizens who marry with the visa applicant, you with other visa applicants procedures is the same, if you want to emigrate to the United States, the immigration application for immigration visa to the United States. If you travel only to the short side to make sure that your visa officer in the country with good intensity binding so that you can come back after his visit to the United States. Then you must show that you love the citizens of the United States of America have strength in the work of local binding, not in his short-term constraints, your husband will come back. I do not want to see some people actually want to get to the U.S. green card, the results back to China to live, and finally had to give up his green card, we hope to implement in accordance with the law.


Website visitor : I now studying in the United States a high-school level in public schools 11 years time, my mother has applied for a green card, my own students have H4 visas, and last summer when returning to visit relatives, but also to sign the success. I would like to know, I want to continue in this year's summer vacation to visit relatives back in time to sign back to the United States, is not so smooth, like last year, but also on the basis of certain factors encountered any problems?


Burroughs : We hope that students will often return to see, to visit parents. Students need not apply for a visa to sign afraid, unless it is very bad to happen, we are ready to issue visas.


Moderator : More Internet users using the F1 visa, we hope to introduce in 2006 the U.S. embassy in particular F1 visa processing time some trends for us to do a forecast, or about the absence of a change in the number of new standards? Each year the number of visas will not be through some restrictions? For example, the July and August peak period would reduce the number will not be the case?


Burroughs : For students learning visas to the United States every day, every year without any restrictions on the number, the more students to study American government in the United States benefits both to China and to increase the understanding of the Parties. In fact, in the season of high incidence of student visas, we actually increased the number of appointments to enable students to faster, more conveniently from interviews. We encountered any problems in applying for visas may also be made to our e-mail advice : beijingwebcomments@state.gov


Moderator : Today we asked Mr. Burroughs so many problems, in fact, now many users on the Internet have also been new issues. Because no individual can be said, is not the specific situation of each Internet user, the problem is not mentioned, we can only temporarily for today's chat here. I believe that we issue visas to go to America, not just today aimed mainly at the tourist visa, a visa may have problems if you failed to answer many questions, we can ask questions on the Internet. In addition, Mr. Burroughs introduced to so many, concrete analysis of concrete conditions, but the most important point in your personal preparation materials, you should sign what allows visa officer convinced. You in the preparation of some key materials, such as proof of income such things, but also to put things done.


Well, today we are here to the chat, I hope everyone in the path of the United States visa if you wish to. We also hope that you will continue to pay attention to the chat. Here today on the account, Thank you!



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