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i know this has been discussed a number of times but can never find the damn thread to pull it back up... to restart it again


anyways, the official plans are being arranged for the wedding and we are wondering about her family and friends making it over here.


her father has been to the states on business 4 times...

so it seems positive for him...at least more positive then her sisters.


one of her sisters will try for a visa leaving her child and husband...


her father said he doesnt see a problem bringing his wife as his wife neither speak english and he seems very confident.

she has a few friends in australia, one who is on an education visa and one who has made residence there.

will this mater if they are already on a visa? i personally dont think that will work.....it doesnt seem promising for her i dont think...

there are also people coming in from japan who i believe are residence there.... which i dont know anything about these visas...

any clue?

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The fact your father in law has had multiple business visas and always returned to China is in your favor. That may have some bearing on mom too. Sis will be a crap shoot but probably denied. Bottom line is don't count on it and like Frank says keep trying.

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