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Like the expedited employment visas!  Great idea, I'd gladly pay to speed things up!

You guys are dreamin'...

Will never happen.....

I mean, for all visas.....

Does not make sense though. I agree. Yes, employment petition can be rushed through for a measly 1500 bucks...

I gave up trying to understand INS/BICS/State..

Like all service industry has its own guidelines of different level of service, airlines have first class, coach class, economics, etc.


Car rental companies have luxury, full size, compact, and economy, etc.


Maybe DOS has its own guidelines of different classifications, only difference is that they don't make it pubilc, and we don't get to choose...

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Like the expedited employment visas!  Great idea, I'd gladly pay to speed things up!

You guys are dreamin'...

Will never happen.....

I mean, for all visas.....

Does not make sense though. I agree. Yes, employment petition can be rushed through for a measly 1500 bucks...

I gave up trying to understand INS/BICS/State..

Like all service industry has its own guidelines of different level of service, airlines have first class, coach class, economics, etc.


Car rental companies have luxury, full size, compact, and economy, etc.


Maybe DOS has its own guidelines of different classifications, only difference is that they don't make it pubilc, and we don't get to choose...

I don't think so... One big difference with corporate America..is..

They don't have to make a profit or feel obligated to do so....So income is not a major issue except for the federal budget boys.

That's also why we have deficits in gov'ts. Not only U.S

USPS is a bit different... As a quasi-gov't agency, they don't get taxpayer funding.. Only stamp funds ( self-funding organization ) .. That's why the first class one went to 37 cents...

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I don't think so... One big difference with corporate America..is..

They don't have to make a profit or feel obligated to do so....So income is not a major issue except for the federal budget boys.

That's also why we have deficits in gov'ts. Not only U.S

USPS is a bit different... As a quasi-gov't agency, they don't get taxpayer funding.. Only stamp funds ( self-funding organization  ) .. That's why the first class one went to 37 cents...

I thought it is the other way around, since the dept

of treasureay can print more bills if they needed more :lol: ...


At the least corporate America has to do some

cooking (on books) to show they are making some

money for shareholders :lol:


USPS is one, perhaps GZ is another, I've read somewhere

that one of the money-making machines of US OutPosts

are the ones in China...

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I don't think so... One big difference with corporate America..is..

They don't have to make a profit or feel obligated to do so....So income is not a major issue except for the federal budget boys.

That's also why we have deficits in gov'ts. Not only U.S

USPS is a bit different... As a quasi-gov't agency, they don't get taxpayer funding.. Only stamp funds ( self-funding organization  ) .. That's why the first class one went to 37 cents...

I thought it is the other way around, since the dept

of treasureay can print more bills if they needed more :lol: ...


At the least corporate America has to do some

cooking (on books) to show they are making some

money for shareholders :lol:


USPS is one, perhaps GZ is another, I've read somewhere

that one of the money-making machines of US OutPosts

are the ones in China...

Treasury prints bills ( costs about a nickel no watter the denomination btw ) only when we need bases, say, in Turkey !! :lol:

As far as overseas posts, yes... money-machine.. Kabul's can get expensive on saturday night since the Talibs left.... :D

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I have done more posts tonight than I would do in 1 week today, next week I can post from China, can I be the on line news reporter next week?

Who do I replace at CBS? Dan? who are the others, I can do the weather report.LOL

you're still short of the 3000 posts needed for the CDL man/woman-babelling award of the year :lol:

Forget the Pulitzer.... This is more meaningful

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My wife confirmed the 9 suitcases for your wife, Eric.  Good thing that there weren't very many K visa girls on that plane our it wouldn't have made it off the runway! :o  :o

Eric will probably have to rent two vans, just to get the suit cases home. Hopefully he doesn't throw his back out with all the lifting. :D :P :D


BTW: Will she acutally land in Wichita or will he pick her up in KC? :(

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Hmmm.  Good question.  KCI, I would assume.  Wichita has an airport, but it would probably be just as quick to go ahead and pick her up at KCI.  Besides, why wait?  Snow and ice in the Kansas City area right now.  Don't know it that will effect anything.

Geeezzzzzz! What an introduction to America that would be!!!! Driving from KC to Wichita with Eric on an ice-slicked road. :D :P :o


Do the French know how to drive on ice? :D :( :o

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My wife says that she thinks Eric was having her fly to Washinton and then to transfer flights to Wichita.  Quite a trip.

Washington State or DC????


If she is flying to DC that means she will fly all the way across America, then halfway back?????


That Eric! HHHMMMMMM! Must have been some bargain super-economy deal he came up with. :rolleyes: :lol: :o

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