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Hello everyone,


I am reviewing the site for the P3, P4, and interview questions and had a couple more questions.


We sent in the necessary P3 information on February 28, 2006.


Looking at some of the timelines shows a period of 1-3 months for the P4. Does anyone else have a better estimate for this?


I prepared some of the financial statements a little early and will get new ones. When would be a good time to prepare these after the P3 was sent in? Should I send these to my SO, bring them with me to the interview, or both? I would like to go there and bring her back (hopefully using only 2 weeks of vacation).




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I did not want to entrust all of the financial documents to the PO, DHL or FedEx, plus I had a lot of e-mails, photos, and chat correspondence that I wanted Jingwen to have for the interview. Since I was going to Guangzhou to be there, I thought it best to hand carry the stuff.

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I mailed all the P3 stuff to Ying and we reviewed over phone before she submitted it. The same for P4, she was having medical in Beijing before I arrived. I was joining her just before the interview in GUZ, but wanted her to have everything in case there was problem with my arrival. The interview stuff I hand carried was a backup copy

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