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support and suggestions can be rampant here, after all that is the whole reason for the existance of CFL... don't let some of the comments throw you off...


good luck


All I really have to say in reply to this. I researched everything on the uscis web site, visited numbers of other websites, asked a few lawyers and called my congresspersons office and got some words of wisdom there, in addition my wife has done a lot of research for me too. All of course augmented by some well answered questions from this community. I think what I mean to say, the helpful people here can and will help you, but thats only 5% of the total 100% of the digging you will just need to do yourself. I think perhaps if someone is a bit testy with you, it could be that you are asking questions that you well should have looked around for yourself first, perhaps something really obvious like, what forms do you need to send in I-129F or something like that. Well, mate, good luck, and remember also, the peeps here are willingly helping out, so if you dont get along with em, find another web site to ask question on, cause all these people are nice and straight people in my experience and my humble opinion.



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support and suggestions can be rampant here, after all that is the whole reason for the existance of CFL... don't let some of the comments throw you off...


good luck


All I really have to say in reply to this. I researched everything on the uscis web site, visited numbers of other websites, asked a few lawyers and called my congresspersons office and got some words of wisdom there, in addition my wife has done a lot of research for me too. All of course augmented by some well answered questions from this community. I think what I mean to say, the helpful people here can and will help you, but thats only 5% of the total 100% of the digging you will just need to do yourself. I think perhaps if someone is a bit testy with you, it could be that you are asking questions that you well should have looked around for yourself first, perhaps something really obvious like, what forms do you need to send in I-129F or something like that. Well, mate, good luck, and remember also, the peeps here are willingly helping out, so if you dont get along with em, find another web site to ask question on, cause all these people are nice and straight people in my experience and my humble opinion.




Just don't go to Vegas with Trigg. :lol:

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There was a time when newbies on CFL were called "fresh fish" - taken from "The Shawshank Redemtion" and referring to the new prison inmates.


Some people forget that they too were once fresh fish and ignorant of the process.  Everybody started out with virtually no knowledge, but a few who now know a thing or two about the process find it frustrating that a newbie would ask a question that to a more experienced individual would sound like a "stupid" question.  Remember though, the only stupid question is the one not asked.


Oh, and one more thing.  A person can be knowledgeable and still be a total idiot.  CFL has its share of the good, the bad, and the ugly.


I agree............Take what you can use and flush the rest.

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I'm finding out that there are some very helpful members here and some have sent me very patronizing PM's like I'm some kind of idiot.  I don't appreciate it.  I'm just new at this and I'm trying to get information.  So far, I have been polite in asking.  Those who have helped me, thank you, and I appreciate it very much.  Those who are patronizing and sarcastic - well, you know what you can do.


Please don't take this wrong. How long have you used the internet? I started about "91. It was brutal then. If you have never been exposed to the internet, this is the most polite forum I have ever been a part of.


Enjoy the site, saturate the information, take nothing personal. :huh:

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