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Marty Harty Letter

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We have reviewed your wife's case at U.S. Consulate in Gunagzhou and found that it is still pending completion of required security related vetting by Security and Law Enforcement agencies. We are aware of and regret the many inconveniences this has caused you and your family. We assure you that we are working with the relevant agencies to complete your wife's case as quickly as possible. We are also working with technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process. The consulate will notify your wife once processing continues on her case. We hope and trust that the outcome will not be delayed much longer.


The key words here are (once the process continues). Why would it be stopped? Should I write back to Marta Harty's office and ask that question. I actually recieved this letter on December 7th and just read it over very carefully and this sentence provoked more thought and questions.


I have been in this process since September 13th 2004 and in Guangzhou Security Check since July 8th 2005. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thank You in advance

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I wouldn't read too much into "once processing continues". Processing usually relates to what the consulate rather than another agency is doing and not the overall process. What I think she means is that the consulate, like you, is still waiting on clearances and can't do anything else on your case until the clearances come in.

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This may appear to be cynical by some but this is what I believe:

Read as: "We assure you that we are working with the relevant agencies to complete your wife's case as quickly as possible"

Actual Meaning "We are trying to figure out which agency to send this to for clearance because, despite 9/11, there is still no centralized database that we can do security checks through".


Read as: "We are also working with technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process"

Actual meaning "We realize that our entire process is screwed up beyond belief and have brought in outside experts because it is way over our heads"


The fact that the consulate (part of the State Dept) took fingerprints in China and then they make us pay $70 to get additional fingerprints done here and the fact that they have lost some people's fingerprints and/or asked for additional prints to be taken is proof to me that their current "system" is worthless as far as providing security to the citizens of this country!


As for the matter at hand, Phnom: Call your congressperson or senators and ask them to inquire as to the status of your case. It is my experience that when official inquiries are made about your specific case, the ball seems to get rolling.

Good luck!

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It wouldn't hurt to post your complete timeline and visa type for clarity.


Once you have become one of the chosen by the NVC you can expect a period of time in the dark.


My wait was 9 months...some have gone faster; some slower; but getting inside information on where you stand is quite impossible.


If it is taking 5 to 9 to 14 or more months to check on us good guys; then the bad guys who are moving around don't have much to fret.


Nai Xin,



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Guest pushbrk
I wouldn't read too much into "once processing continues".  Processing usually relates to what the consulate rather than another agency is doing and not the overall process.  What I think she means is that the consulate, like you, is still waiting on clearances and can't do anything else on your case until the clearances come in.


I agree with Frank 100%. I hope I can be as calm when it is my case. It is quite easy to let our emotions cause us to misinterpret or simply read extra meaning into simple statements. The note refers to the Consulate's "processing" of your case. It can't do anything more until the security vetting is completed by law enforcement agencies. The "process" is ongoing. The "processing" is holding for the security check.

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