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My word,,,,some of you are a bit touchy! I was simply stating facts. First I tell what happened, then I explain who I trust and why. Yes, I am a bit paranoid. I think I have reason to be. I am also angry at the consulate for what they have done. I am not angry because they rejected the application. I am angry because of how they are handling this.

They do not do a good job of explaining why they make their decision and it is a really dirty trick to tell me that they have reason to believe she has an “ongoing relationship” with out telling me what that reason to believe is. It is not good for anyone’s mental health. I am also very scared that they are right, or they are wrong but we will never get this straightened out and I will have to spend the rest of my life running back and forth to China just to be with the women I love.

Don’t jump on my case until you have walked in my shoes. Some of you have given good advice. Thank you. I think some of you read better than others and some of you just seem to smell red meat. I am not here for my ego. I am here for ideas and information. I am willing to share what I know for that information and try and help others. I have done so in the past and continue to do so but I do not see the need for much of what some of you think is required.

Now why do I continue to post if I do not trust this forum. First, as I said I think the Consulate and Home Land Security monitor this sight, if they will not read what I give them at the consulate maybe they will here, second it helps me think and I need the writing practice. I was never good at writing and have spent the last twenty plus years at an occupation that does not require it. I am quite proud of what I do but it does not require writing skills.

Last but not least, I think that it might be of help for others in the same predicament as me. There were 4 (counting me) very angry and upset men at my end of the line when last I went to the consulate. There were two more at the other end that I did not talk to. None of them said a word until I started asking questions. As far as I could tell every one of them had a worse story than mine. They had been waiting years for answers and got none. People need to know this.

Well this is enough for one post. For those of you that have been helpful, thank you.


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My word,,,,some of you are a bit touchy! I was simply stating facts. First I tell what happened, then I explain who I trust and why. Yes, I am a bit paranoid. I think I have reason to be. I am also angry at the consulate for what they have done. I am not angry because they rejected the application. I am angry because of how they are handling this.

They do not do a good job of explaining why they make their decision and it is a really dirty trick to tell me that they have reason to believe she has an “ongoing relationship” with out telling me what that reason to believe is. It is not good for anyone’s mental health. I am also very scared that they are right, or they are wrong but we will never get this straightened out and I will have to spend the rest of my life running back and forth to China just to be with the women I love.

  Don’t jump on my case until you have walked in my shoes. Some of you have given good advice. Thank you. I think some of you read better than others and some of you just seem to smell red meat. I am not here for my ego. I am here for ideas and information. I am willing to share what I know for that information and try and help others. I have done so in the past and continue to do so but I do not see the need for much of what some of you think is required.

Now why do I continue to post if I do not trust this forum. First, as I said I think the Consulate and Home Land Security monitor this sight, if they will not read what I give them at the consulate maybe they will here, second it helps me think and I need the writing practice. I was never good at writing and have spent the last twenty plus years at an occupation that does not require it. I am quite proud of what I do but it does not require writing skills.

  Last but not least, I think that it might be of help for others in the same predicament as me. There were 4 (counting me) very angry and upset men at my end of the line when last I went to the consulate. There were two more at the other end that I did not talk to. None of them said a word until I started asking questions. As far as I could tell every one of them had a worse story than mine. They had been waiting years for answers and got none. People need to know this.

Well this is enough for one post. For those of you that have been helpful, thank you.



Never Trust A Messican

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My word,,,,some of you are a bit touchy! I was simply stating facts. First I tell what happened, then I explain who I trust and why. Yes, I am a bit paranoid. I think I have reason to be. I am also angry at the consulate for what they have done. I am not angry because they rejected the application. I am angry because of how they are handling this.

They do not do a good job of explaining why they make their decision and it is a really dirty trick to tell me that they have reason to believe she has an “ongoing relationship” with out telling me what that reason to believe is. It is not good for anyone’s mental health. I am also very scared that they are right, or they are wrong but we will never get this straightened out and I will have to spend the rest of my life running back and forth to China just to be with the women I love.

  Don’t jump on my case until you have walked in my shoes. Some of you have given good advice. Thank you. I think some of you read better than others and some of you just seem to smell red meat. I am not here for my ego. I am here for ideas and information. I am willing to share what I know for that information and try and help others. I have done so in the past and continue to do so but I do not see the need for much of what some of you think is required.

Now why do I continue to post if I do not trust this forum. First, as I said I think the Consulate and Home Land Security monitor this sight, if they will not read what I give them at the consulate maybe they will here, second it helps me think and I need the writing practice. I was never good at writing and have spent the last twenty plus years at an occupation that does not require it. I am quite proud of what I do but it does not require writing skills.

  Last but not least, I think that it might be of help for others in the same predicament as me. There were 4 (counting me) very angry and upset men at my end of the line when last I went to the consulate. There were two more at the other end that I did not talk to. None of them said a word until I started asking questions. As far as I could tell every one of them had a worse story than mine. They had been waiting years for answers and got none. People need to know this.

Well this is enough for one post. For those of you that have been helpful, thank you.



Your post was touchy, you got touchy in return. Actually, after calling CFL'ers untrustworthy idiots, I'm surprised the responses were as tempered as they were.


I'm a little paranoid too, so I don't post everything about my self. I don't go off on people genuinely trying to help me, based on their first-hand knowledge and experience. If you think CFL has an objective of duping you into failing...


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:


I would look inward, grasshopper. If you married her without trust, then well...


I haven't seen my wife in 4 months, and I am certain. Yes, CERTAIN, that she isn't cheating. I knew who it was I was marrying, and I trust her. Just like she can trust that I am not cheating on her.



- CFL'ers arent out to get you

- DHS and USCONGUZ have better things to do than watch for what you say

- you do need writing practice, if only to hopefully learn to write tactfully

- you have major trust issues

- I question the validity of your marriage, if you believe GUZ before your wife (don't marry someone you don't trust!)

- You need to go to the consulate and demand (tactfully) to know why you were denied. Use FIA if you have to. It's your application and your money paid to process the application. Make them earn it

- you are a hypocrite, saying on one hand that you are here for ideas and information, then bashing and flaming that we are all idiots who couldnt possibly know what we are talking about and even inferring that we're conspiring so you, personally, will fail.

- you claim to want to help others in your predicament, but have, as of yet, done nothing to further their hopes or yours, since complaining about everyone without action is all i've seen.


You need to relax and lurk for a while, maybe doing some searching of past forum posts to realize you are not alone or unique in your case.


Then, perhaps, you will realize what you've been saying was an insult to everyone who tries to help others here, and apologize.


I wish you luck on the 'real' journey you need to take.

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James, as a China women. i trust other China women. i know they have the best heart in the world than others. what let you trust today and tomorrow you donot? what she do make you donot trust? i think in your heart you already belive the conslant. that is not fair to her. if even you donot trust your wife (only because donot know what reason. maybe just somebody 's a little game) than maybe the couslant make the right choice to not give the visa.

talk more to your wife! let she knows you are in her side. and trust her first until you know the truth! Good luck!

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I think everyone gets worried when it's interview time in Guangzhou and fears getting the infamous blue slip. I can understand your paranoia. Most people would also be boucing off the walls if they'd heard the same words from the consulate as you heard. You want their "evidence" and they won't give it to you in a timely manner. It's a difficult time for you.


As others have said, trust your wife. If there was any truth to what the consulate says then your wife would never have taken you to meet all of her family. Familys are tight in China and being dishonest and deceiving is not something they would involve their family in.


I don't know if this is the correct Freedom of Information form or not. You might ask the consulate if they will provide you a form so you can file.



Good luck, you will overcome but it may take some time.

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I always found this most enlightening...


I would also add that there seems to be an implied correlation between those who get a blue slip and the kinds of posts they produce (perhaps 25-50%). The general impression from the total, is that there is much less information provided by those with blue slips before hand of their progress through the process. Often lots of questions are asked as to the particulars of what their situation is before help can be provided when they are blue slipped, as often they have no signature line. At one time, I had thought this could be because people don't post until they have a problem. I am more of the opinion now it is incorrect preparation for their situation. Often what we see is the emotional response to the situation, not the objective view.


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I always found this most enlightening...


I would also add that there seems to be an implied correlation between those who get a blue slip and the kinds of posts they produce (perhaps 25-50%). The general impression from the total, is that there is much less information provided by those with blue slips before hand of their progress through the process. Often lots of questions are asked as to the particulars of what their situation is before help can be provided when they are blue slipped, as often they have no signature line. At one time, I had thought this could be because people don't post until they have a problem. I am more of the opinion now it is incorrect preparation for their situation. Often what we see is the emotional response to the situation, not the objective view.



you don't have a signature either :)

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I always found this most enlightening...  


I would also add that there seems to be an implied correlation between those who get a blue slip and the kinds of posts they produce (perhaps 25-50%). The general impression from the total, is that there is much less information provided by those with blue slips before hand of their progress through the process. Often lots of questions are asked as to the particulars of what their situation is before help can be provided when they are blue slipped, as often they have no signature line. At one time, I had thought this could be because people don't post until they have a problem. I am more of the opinion now it is incorrect preparation for their situation. Often what we see is the emotional response to the situation, not the objective view.



you don't have a signature either :unsure:


Ahhhh, but he does and only chooses not to use it on posts. Take a look at his profile. :D

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Guest ShaQuaNew
I always found this most enlightening...  


I would also add that there seems to be an implied correlation between those who get a blue slip and the kinds of posts they produce (perhaps 25-50%). The general impression from the total, is that there is much less information provided by those with blue slips before hand of their progress through the process. Often lots of questions are asked as to the particulars of what their situation is before help can be provided when they are blue slipped, as often they have no signature line. At one time, I had thought this could be because people don't post until they have a problem. I am more of the opinion now it is incorrect preparation for their situation. Often what we see is the emotional response to the situation, not the objective view.



you don't have a signature either :D


And no blue slip either...


No stems no seeds....

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Guest ShaQuaNew

No stems no seeds....


Jesse, I think you have been spending too much time in that twisted candle thread....... :lol:


:D Seemed a good idea to not have anything that one doesn't need....

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