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Med Exam: our experience in Shanghai

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There are only three shots needed:

1) Tetanus (Td)

2) MMR

3) Variella (Chicken pox)


Without solid written proof of any of these, the civil surgeon can require all three.


In the absence of written proof (and the CS will not look at her arm as proof), you can get around the Variella by having a blood test done.


Only the MMR is a series shot, and some CS will say you need the second course and some will say it doesn't matter. The catch is, the second course cannot be done till 28 days after the first... So this one you can try to plan ahead the first course.


I guess the question is, which shots "expire" ... If it doesn't expire, those you can get shots for or proof of anytime...

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There are only three shots needed:

1) Tetanus (Td)

2) MMR

3) Variella (Chicken pox)


Without solid written proof of any of these, the civil surgeon can require all three. 


In the absence of written proof (and the CS will not look at her arm as proof), you can get around the Variella by having a blood test done.


Only the MMR is a series shot, and some CS will say you need the second course and some will say it doesn't matter. The catch is, the second course cannot be done till 28 days after the first...  So this one you can try to plan ahead the first course.


I guess the question is, which shots "expire" ... If it doesn't expire, those you can get shots for or proof of anytime...


Thanks David, I thought Carl was referring to vac's need for AOS and I thought there were several more required for that. I was thinking of trying to get them all done in China while we're at it. Some don't expire like MMR and Chicken Pox, but I know Tetanus does, but thought it was good for 5 years... maybe wrong.


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Had the same happen at Kaiser Hospital (in the US) after I got my main artery gouged out and sliced open on my wrist by a automotive fan. Eighteen micro stitches to close the plumbing.




A bumper sticker seen around SoCal:


"Kaiser kills, permanentely"


They had two tries on me when I was young. I broke my neck when I was 19 and they never even took xrays. Gave me muscle relaxants for a broken neck...



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Hi Ken,


Thanks for posting this, it is another piece of the puzzle.


I organize my K1 'knowledge base' by emailing myself a link to these very valuable topics as they are posted. I put enough detail in the subject line to find it easily, then file it in a 'K1' folder in my yahoo mail. Since I have the SBC DSL package I get 2GB storage on that account.



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