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Guangzhou Approved two...Happy days.

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Yesterday I felt a major let melt down. The fear that is generated by someone having control of my future is not a great experience to me and especially when it is a government agency. When Ling called to let me know everything went great in Guangzhou I suddenly felt all the wind go out of my sails.


When I was involved with the site last summer I looked daily at the postings. There is so much information about the process of immigration from China I got overwhelmed. I needed to pull back some and decide what was right for me and Ling. That’s where I’ve been David.


In August I was in Zhuhai when packet 3 arrived at Ling’s house. Of course there was much excitement and I was determined to fill it out before I left Zhuhai. In the beginning of the process I was told and believed it would be a good idea to stay organized. So Ling had a copy of everything I filed. As you know packet 3 was basically a request for more biographical information with more of a focus on the Chinese end of this equation. So I got it done since I was with the source of the information needed.


There is a statement in the introduction of packet 3 that I took to heart. It changed my whole outlook on the process. The statement basically goes, “You now have a right to a visa.” Before reading this I felt like I had my hat in hand and was asking please let us have a visa. I tried to explain the word “Rights” to Ling and of course she was very gracious. She didn’t get “it” I’m sure. How to do you explain such a complex subject “rights” to someone who has not experienced them?


I went on to explain the immigration process, as I understood it, in different terms to Ling. I see it as there are 2 basic things that need to be accomplished. Proof of relationship and proof of the ability to support the relationship. I put together 2 8.5x11 3 ring binders to be able to communicate with the person Ling would be setting in front of. I believe pictures are worth a 1000 words so I used many pictures to substantiate proof of relationship. Every receipt that was generated during the travels and things Ling and I did together. A copy of every email from the first to the last. I divided each section into a category by itself. I did the same with the financial documents. I will tell you my own thoughts……..not to be followed…….about the financial information. I thought to myself while putting them together, “I could put anything in here. How is a person in China going to be able to check all this? They can’t. What an outcry from the American public if someone from another country in and embassy could access tax records.”


So Ling walks in with 2 3 ring binders in hand being familiar with all the information. I explained to her………again not to be followed……”Go in like you own the place. You have a “right” to be there. Be nice to everyone you come in contact with but remember you have a “right” to be there.” One of the questions the interview asked was, “Do you speak English?” Ling’s reply, “a little.” Does your husband speak Chinese?” Ling’s reply, “a little.” The interviewer laughed. He did not look at 1 financial document I had sweated over. He looked at some of the photos and they exchanged some small talk. 3 minutes tops. Ling was ready to provide and prove with documentation if there was a question. Documentation that could easily be understood by someone else.


I don’t know how I was blessed with an 8 month turn around. I followed instructions and offered no other information. No cover letters. Nothing but what was asked for and required. I tried to keep in my mind the people that were going to be rummaging around in my life are simply doing a job. They aren’t making a lot of money and have the same problems in life the rest of us do. So I was always nice nice nice to them all. I offered to wash one mans car at the end of our conversation.


Now I need to plug back in and get all the information about what to do with Ling here. I mean about government issues. I think I will take today off as I did yesterday.


For all you guys who are just starting the process I would I hope the best for each of you. Be nice to everyone along the way and remember you are an American citizen with some basic rights. Your wives will soon have a “right” to be here.


I want to thank each of you for the good wishes and the official “waaahooo” :P

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