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What's the deal with Black Chicken?

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LeiQin buys and prepares black chicken just for her.  Her meals are mysterious and are mixed with other concoctions and eaten from a bowl. 


What up wit dat? 


Is it some kind of Chinese medicinal food that they must have.


I'd really like to know.  Can anyone clue me in?


I just asked Jie about this and she said if LeiQin prepares it just for herself, it is most likely for those mysterious 5 days of the month. Supposed to be good for the pain and other symptoms.


Chinese Midol, I guess.


Yikes, is it that time of the month again?

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Right the breed is the silkie. It has a blueish black skin and is the size of a cornish hen. A variety of chicken.



Chinese usually use it as medicinal soup particularly to lessen a woman's monthly problems. It is also taken during pregnancy.


Jujube tea is another medicinal used monthly although I happen to like it any time. :P


If you really want to try a good tasting bird, try Poussin. It is also a small variety but comes from France. In my opinion they are the tastiest chickens.

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