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US to China change....

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On all of my trips I HAVE NOT been sick or even feeling sick. I sleep like a baby with my BABY!!!


On my last trip, once returning back to the states, I experianced the worst case of the runs ever. I have narrowed it down to eating some raw oysters on the half shell, which was at a very expensive seafood restaurant.


I had to go to DR to get some CIPRO which cleared everything up!!!



My sleeping is always screwed up for at least the first week back. That is the only thing I dislike about coming home .... Besides having to leave my lovely WIFE!!!!!

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I've got an iron stomach... but once I couldn't stomach anymore (in the three months total).. we were eating very spicy food (which I do like alot) almost three times a day for four straight days and it finally caught up with my gut. I had to take a two day rest from anything spicy and then was back on track.


As for sleep... I did notice that I slept better (and generally my health felt better) in china... this was my first real indication that made me consciously aware that the process was affecting me somewhere beneath the surface...


After all... a certain amount of exercise, of any form, should in principle create a need for some sleep... :)

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I've got an iron stomach... but once I couldn't stomach anymore (in the three months total).. we were eating very spicy food (which I do like alot) almost three times a day for four straight days and it finally caught up with my gut. I had to take a two day rest from anything spicy and then was back on track.


As for sleep... I did notice that I slept better (and generally my health felt better) in china... this was my first real indication that made me consciously aware that the process was affecting me somewhere beneath the surface...


After all... a certain amount of exercise, of any form, should in principle create a need for some sleep... :)


As for the iron stomach, I had one 25 years ago....I spent 5 weeks in the Philippines, and ate many of the cultural offerings cooked up right on the street with absolutely no mind what bacteria or other creatures I may be ingesting. Never had even a slight belch from either end.


I think it was when I turned 40, the cast iron lining started to rust....

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