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China's one-child limit

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China plans to keep one-child limit

BEIJING, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- China plans to maintain its one-child policy for the foreseeable future, a senior official said.


Zhang Weiqing, minister of the State Commission of Population and Family Planning, told a conference Friday that the policy is part of the 11th Five-Year Plan, which runs from 2006 to 2010, China Daily reported. He expects the one-child limit to remain in force beyond 2010.


China, which already has the world's largest population, is projected to be home to 1.37 billion by 2010, 1.46 billion by 2020 and 1.5 billion by 2033, if the current low birth rate continues.


Zhang said that local governments have to power to make exceptions to the policy, refuting a report that Shanghai, the most economically vibrant city in China, might allow second children by 2016.


The law now allows a few exceptions. Farming couples can have second children if their first are girls, and couples may also be allowed more children if the first ones are disabled.

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Guest pushbrk
Actually there are many more exceptions. Minorities are not limited and a woman can have a second child when she remarries. The local allowance also makes application of the law (this is common in China) very uneven.


I was surprised to find that my wife's brother and his wife have two children. I suppose it's possible she remarried and the first is from another husband. I didn't ask.

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Actually there are many more exceptions. Minorities are not limited and a woman can have a second child when she remarries. The local allowance also makes application of the law (this is common in China) very uneven.


I was surprised to find that my wife's brother and his wife have two children. I suppose it's possible she remarried and the first is from another husband. I didn't ask.


Twins are another possibility.

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