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Worries about China Post

Guest seemslikeforever

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Beginning to wonder if the page should change name from a candle for love to a place to pick a fight and be mad.

I likewise understand your response, responding to the question...no, I'm not picking any fights with anyone, no way, no how. I'm not from that "ilke" guy.


I want to dismiss entirely anyone's notion, IMHO, there's no pushing them. If anything, I've been told by my Congressman, don't back them into a corner, 'best to leave the process continue at it's pace'


Now THAT statement was made way back...a lot has changed, for the better since then. But as you can read yourself here recently, there are STILL major screwups even with notification/clearance/ hey, even Visa in Hand I bet have some loose ends somewhere, LOL! :D :D

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