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green card

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I didn't know how to do a poll on the time frames of waiting for green card, some people get them in two weeks, 3 months, some still waiting, how do you find info on this or do you have to call Immigration again  :lol: or try your local office :o


That's a loaded question, Kaige, but if I had to venture a guess I would say after the initial filing of the I-485, anytime between 3 weeks and 30 months! :o


And getting usable, reliable information from the CIS helpline is between slim and none!...Less than Slim! :D

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Happy news ;) guess it still works like the old black hole, as this Gov't keeps us in suspense always, or they never know what even they are doing, normal, case in mind I went to two tax collectors offices and called the state office only to get three different answers, happy to say I did get the correct answer from one tax collector office on how to get a title for a boat that went through two previous owners, or we can say what I wanted to hear and know

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