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UP date on over come.

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OK A quick update. Last week I ask for help on “overcome” as Guangzhou had not approved my wife at the interview for a K3 visa. Instead they had asked for copies of phone logs and proof of the location of her husband. Friday I went into what I though was going to be the “American citizen’s hour”. I had attended one of them in January last I had some hope of being able to question a visa officer. That one had been a zoo but I thought it could not hurt.

After a bit of a run around from the guards and a clerk and getting a notarized copy of my passport made I was put in a line to get a number to see a VO. At least I think it was a VO. I am not sure if this is not what the “American citizen’s hour” now is or if some one of the guards or clerks decided this was what I needed. The clerk told me to do one thing and the guards told me to do another. All I really needed was a sigh that said “go to window twenty and get a number”.

I am not sure if the clerks and guards don’t speak good enough English, don’t know what is going on, or just like to jerk people around, but I saw several people like me come in, wander around looking for instructions on how to proceed, and then get ask by one of the people waiting with a number about what they want. It all boiled down to going to window twenty and getting a number. The clerk room next door has a number machine but that is only to have a copy of some thing made as far as I can tell.

Amy way the number window gave me a number and some paper work to fill out and told me to wait for the number to be called. After a long wait they started calling numbers in no particular order and after while get to my number. I go up and visit with a very nice blond white male VO (I think) that got me calmed down, looked my case over, gave me some advise on how to proceed, and make a bunch of note’s in his computer.

What it boiled down to was that if you can not get what they ask for just do the best you can, write a letter explaining why, and what step’s you took to comply, and document it as best you can. It is not the end of the world. They might accept that and they might just ask different stuff. What he did not want was for her to drag in a bunch of stuff not ask for.

All in all he spent about twenty minute’s with me. Most of the other people got about the same amount of time as far as I could tell and one poor guy (he has real problems) got most of an hour. We seemed to be dealing with real people trying to do a real job and be decent about it. I did not feel rushed or pushed at all. I just hope they were not doing a snow job.

Yesterday, Wednesday, we went in and dumped of what we had and they took her passport and told her to come back for a decision Friday. I have a good feeling about it as we had a lot of documentation on her ex and a nice letter explaining why we have no phone records. Now I am just sitting here with my fingers crossed trying to think positive.


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Thanks for your update. I am just wondering on the issue of documentation on the ex, although I understand the reasoning behind why they want this....it has still never made sense to me. I am just wondering, what kind of documentation did you submit in the end to prove the whereabouts of the ex? I remember one member posting that they had to take a picture of the ex holding a current copy of the newspaper. I doubt that this is any longer the case, but just wondering what the current policy is?


Good luck to you on Friday! Let us know how it goes.



What we got is a letter from his work place stamped with their stamp and with their address and phone nimber, a letter from the local police as to his address, a copy of his ID card, a utility bill with his name on it, and two photo's of him holding a newspaper by a big building with lot's of writing on it. All in Chinese so I can not read any of it. It all looked good to me. You would think that the consulate can read what it said. I got my fingers crossed. Not sure what more they could want.


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Guest pushbrk


Thanks for your update. I am just wondering on the issue of documentation on the ex, although I understand the reasoning behind why they want this....it has still never made sense to me. I am just wondering, what kind of documentation did you submit in the end to prove the whereabouts of the ex? I remember one member posting that they had to take a picture of the ex holding a current copy of the newspaper. I doubt that this is any longer the case, but just wondering what the current policy is?


Good luck to you on Friday! Let us know how it goes.



What we got is a letter from his work place stamped with their stamp and with their address and phone nimber, a letter from the local police as to his address, a copy of his ID card, a utility bill with his name on it, and two photo's of him holding a newspaper by a big building with lot's of writing on it. All in Chinese so I can not read any of it. It all looked good to me. You would think that the consulate can read what it said. I got my fingers crossed. Not sure what more they could want.



GUZ has told us the reason they ask for proof of former spouse residence is because there are already others with same name in USA. They want you to prove your SO is not scamming you to be with former spouse already in USA.


What you have provided would be more than sufficient. Any one of those things should do it. If that was their only concern, rest easy.

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