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Is it just not convenient

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Here on CFL we have a real life story of someone within our midst that came to the US full of hope and joy only to find she was in the clutches of a predator. She did all that was needed to first protect her child and then thought of herself. Her situation was discovered and people from this site came to her aid.


It warms my heart to see some seek to help to make Christmas a better time for a woman and her daughter. And it warms my heart even more to see her say that she doesn’t need any help, she does this while working 2 jobs to provide for her daughter.


All this is lost in the noise of another of thread which may or may not be a fake, but then we always enjoy partaking in the really messy stuff and ignore the real needs that are before us. Perhaps we prefer the sensational soap opera instead.


So as you prepare for the busy Christmas holiday and all the religious pomp and/or commercialism why not take a few minutes and do something real. You can say you are too busy, you can say you don’t see a need, but don’t jump on the band wagon to tell God how good you are and totally ignore the needy.


Come on, just don’t stop at Starbucks twice and send $10. If you are tapped out send a card.


If you just feel like doing nothing, remember it all comes around whether it be God, karma or just your turn.

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Here on CFL we have a real life story of someone within our midst that came to the US full of hope and joy only to find she was in the clutches of a predator. She did all that was needed to first protect her child and then thought of herself. Her situation was discovered and people from this site came to her aid.


It warms my heart to see some seek to help to make Christmas a better time for a woman and her daughter. And it warms my heart even more to see her say that she doesn’t need any help, she does this while working 2 jobs to provide for her daughter.


All this is lost in the noise of another of thread which may or may not be a fake, but then we always enjoy partaking in the really messy stuff and ignore the real needs that are before us. Perhaps we prefer the sensational soap opera instead.


So as you prepare for the busy Christmas holiday and all the religious pomp and/or commercialism why not take a few minutes and do something real. You can say you are too busy, you can say you don’t see a need, but don’t jump on the band wagon to tell God how good you are and totally ignore the needy.


Come on, just don’t stop at Starbucks twice and send $10. If you are tapped out send a card.


If you just feel like doing nothing, remember it all comes around whether it be God, karma or just your turn.


I pitched in already (in response to the original message), but I felt obliged to reply to this message.


I agree it is nice to help Jany, but guilting people and threatening kharmic/divine retribution is inappropriate.


I think making people feel obliged to contribute defeats the whole purpose.


I think your intentions were noble, but it just didnt come out right, IMHO.

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