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Cleared? Still pending?

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We were informed by a nice sir in CA that our clearance was sent to GZ on 2/4.

Today my gg called DoS and was told that our case was still pending.

We don't know what to think about this.

Lately I saw so much on this board that I just cannot believe anything.

I called GZ for more than an hour this afternoon China time but could not get through.

We could not get hold of the person who informed us of the clearance either.

I noticed some of you on this board successfully got more info. Please help shedding some lights here!!!

For example, how could you get hold of Andrew Simkin?

Thanks!!! :unsure:

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If CA told your case was cleared and has been sent to GZ it showed on CA's screen, but info. line screens I think take a week of two longer to show the update. I don't think you should worry.

Tine & Ella

Indianapolis & Shanghai

From my limited understanding of things, GZ has to first enter the clearance on their system before it shows up on the DoS 1225 screen. If CA says it was cleared, it most likely was. GZ just hasn't entered it yet. As for calling AS, I wouldn't recommend that course of action anymore. See earlier thread today regarding this.


The man is completely overwhelmed.

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If CA told your case was cleared and has been sent to GZ it showed on CA's screen, but info. line screens I think take a week of two longer to show the update. I don't think you should worry.

Tine & Ella

Indianapolis & Shanghai

From my limited understanding of things, GZ has to first enter the clearance on their system before it shows up on the DoS 1225 screen. If CA says it was cleared, it most likely was. GZ just hasn't entered it yet. As for calling AS, I wouldn't recommend that course of action anymore. See earlier thread today regarding this.


The man is completely overwhelmed.

I agree with your understanding.

1/ I don't believe CA make clearance date up, unless they are really sadistic.

2/ Dos 1225 is the last in the food chain ( so is GZ info line ). Now the hold time is 1 Hr + mostly.

3/ A.S is burned out.

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