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I Am Now Officially At Wit's End

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I am speechless.....no, stunned would be more accurate. After holding for nearly an hour, I got through to the info line today, in an effort to confirm that my clearance had been sent to GZ. After giving the case number, I am told "your case was resubmitted by GZ today (2-19) for the security namecheck. Call us back in two weeks." I then told the DOS oficer that there must be a mistake - that I had already been told that my case was amongst the "big batch" that recently went back to GZ. "Sorry", I was told - that's what our computer says.

I then called my source at DOS-CA, who told me that his computer reflected the same info. He could not explain why, and really had no idea why GZ would resubmit, because he also saw a note indicating that the clearance had been forwarded there on 1-31. He promised to look into it, and asked me to call tomorrow.

So...as things stand now, it appears that I am back into the "namecheck" black hole. I really do not know what to say right now....I'm numb. But let this be a a warning to you all. If DOS-CA has told you that your clearance has been sent to GZ, it appears that you cannot rely upon that info, because GZ can turn around and resubmit you - for whatever reason.

I swear that I am not making this up.


I129F - 11-15-01

Interview: 08-05-02

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I am speechless.....no, stunned would be more accurate.  After holding for nearly an hour, I got through to the info line today, in an effort to confirm that my clearance had been sent to GZ.  After giving the case number, I am told "your case was resubmitted by GZ today (2-19) for the security namecheck.  Call us back in two weeks."  I then told the DOS oficer that there must be a mistake - that I had already been told that my case was amongst the "big batch" that recently went back to GZ.  "Sorry", I was told - that's what our computer says.

  I then called my source at DOS-CA, who told me that his computer reflected the same info.  He could not explain why, and really had no idea why GZ would resubmit, because he also saw a note indicating that the clearance had been forwarded there on 1-31.  He promised to look into it, and asked me to call tomorrow.

  So...as things stand now, it appears that I am back into the "namecheck" black hole.  I really do not know what to say right now....I'm numb.  But let this be a a warning to you all.  If DOS-CA has told you that your clearance has been sent to GZ, it appears that you cannot rely upon that info, because GZ can turn around and resubmit you - for whatever reason.

  I swear that I am not making this up.


I129F - 11-15-01

Interview: 08-05-02

unbelievable :) UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE

But just don't get too upset, just right now.. This is what I think can happen... Your clearance was sent to GZ 1/31 ( mine was 2/1 ).

As long as this is not entered in their systems, it shows "open" case... which might trigger another resub... the one of today..

I am speculating here, but we have seen EVERYTHING..



I am really starting to think that a "clearance" comes back for a PARTICULAR resub date... and since they keep resubing like it's going out of style, well....the latest clearance might never might the latest resub.

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I am speechless.....no, stunned would be more accurate.  After holding for nearly an hour, I got through to the info line today, in an effort to confirm that my clearance had been sent to GZ.  After giving the case number, I am told "your case was resubmitted by GZ today (2-19) for the security namecheck.  Call us back in two weeks."  I then told the DOS oficer that there must be a mistake - that I had already been told that my case was amongst the "big batch" that recently went back to GZ.  "Sorry", I was told - that's what our computer says.

  I then called my source at DOS-CA, who told me that his computer reflected the same info.  He could not explain why, and really had no idea why GZ would resubmit, because he also saw a note indicating that the clearance had been forwarded there on 1-31.  He promised to look into it, and asked me to call tomorrow.

  So...as things stand now, it appears that I am back into the "namecheck" black hole.  I really do not know what to say right now....I'm numb.  But let this be a a warning to you all.  If DOS-CA has told you that your clearance has been sent to GZ, it appears that you cannot rely upon that info, because GZ can turn around and resubmit you - for whatever reason.

  I swear that I am not making this up.


I129F - 11-15-01

Interview: 08-05-02

unbelievable :( UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE

But just don't get too upset, just right now.. This is what I think can happen... Your clearance was sent to GZ 1/31 ( mine was 2/1 ).

As long as this is not entered in their systems, it shows "open" case... which might trigger another resub... the one of today..

I am speculating here, but we have seen EVERYTHING..



I am really starting to think that a "clearance" comes back for a PARTICULAR resub date... and since they keep resubing like it's going out of style, well....the latest clearance might never might the latest resub.

And I'm paranoid?????? :o :) :)

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If DOS-CA has told you that your clearance has been sent to GZ, it appears that you cannot rely upon that info, because GZ can turn around and resubmit you - for whatever reason.

I swear that I am not making this up.


I129F - 11-15-01

Interview: 08-05-02

Tex, were you advised by DoS ( the 1225 guys) or CA ( Harty's office ) of the 1/31 clearance?

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CA - not the 1225 guys.

I'm willing to bet that clearances refers to a particular resub date...and if the case doesn't show cleared in the consulate, because they take weeks to process it, then that particular case is as far as they are concerned, still pending, and if the last resub is about to "expire" again, before the clearance is entered then, here we go ..resub again...


As a matter of fact, this is an abstract of what I sent 2 days ago to a Cons. Officer at GZ, smelling rat already

"The last resub date was 1/27, and 11/16 before that. I do hope that a clearance received would refer to either date. In case the Feb 1 clearance sent to you refered to the 11/16 resub, instead of the last resub of 1/27 which you might expect. I do not know how the system works, so I have to point this out.."




We have got to get to the bottom of this Tex

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I, too, am speechless but after all we have been through, not surprised. I am at my wits end as well. One idea, when we met with Adams he showed us the screen they look at. There is a column that contains various codes. The only thing that counts as a "clearance" is having an "NR" in that column. There are other codes as well, like DD (duplicate), E, (error) and a few others that even Adams did not know what the meaning of was. Do you think it possible when CA/DOS says the case was sent back to GZ as cleared they really mean the case was just plain sent back to GZ? Maybe it is a good idea to ask CA what the code is. According to Adams, NR is the only code for clearance. (NR means "no record").

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I, too, am speechless but after all we have been through, not surprised. I am at my wits end as well. One idea, when we met with Adams he showed us the screen they look at. There is a column that contains various codes. The only thing that counts as a "clearance" is having an "NR" in that column. There are other codes as well, like DD (duplicate), E, (error) and a few others that even Adams did not know what the meaning of was. Do you think it possible when CA/DOS says the case was sent back to GZ as cleared they really mean the case was just plain sent back to GZ? Maybe it is a good idea to ask CA what the code is. According to Adams, NR is the only code for clearance. (NR means "no record").

very good point Mick.

However when I spoke to CA, he told me....Your case was CLEARED and sent 8/1 to GZ.

I had him repeat it.. as in "namecheck complete"? Yes, was the answer....Your fiancee should be contacted by GZ pretty soon

How far is that from qualifuying as a case NR ( No record ) tag????

Also if the case was simply sent back to GZ, that would be for a namecheck resub request, like they did for me on 1/14.. CA would not say.. cleared...

I'm sticking to my clearance = particular namecheck resub date theory..crossing each other..

But who knows.

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I, too, am speechless but after all we have been through, not surprised. I am at my wits end as well. One idea, when we met with Adams he showed us the screen they look at. There is a column that contains various codes. The only thing that counts as a "clearance" is having an "NR" in that column. There are other codes as well, like DD (duplicate), E, (error) and a few others that even Adams did not know what the meaning of was. Do you think it possible when CA/DOS says the case was sent back to GZ as cleared they really mean the case was just plain sent back to GZ? Maybe it is a good idea to ask CA what the code is. According to Adams, NR is the only code for clearance. (NR means "no record").

very good point Mick.

However when I spoke to CA, he told me....Your case was CLEARED and sent 8/1 to GZ.

I had him repeat it.. as in "namecheck complete"? Yes, was the answer..... How far is that from a NR tag????

Also if the case was simply sent back to GZ, that would be for a namecheck resub request, like they did for me on 1/14.. CA would not say.. cleared...

I'm sticking to my clearance = particular namecheck resub date theory..crossing each other..

But who knows.

No other way to interpret that but "CLEARED" my friend! You are sooooo right! We have got to get to the bottom of this. Remember that post by someone last week who was resubmitted twice in about eight days? My take on this? If they can find a way to screw something up, they will. :angry:


And you think I was in a bad mood yesterday....first thing I read after waking up this morning was the Texan's news....God, I really feel bad for him....he has been jerked around so much! :D :huh:

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I cannot understand why GZ resubmit the cases, by which standard?

By the way, what did Andrew Simpkin say? Thanks, Joseph.

I questioned Andrew at length about several subjects including how data is handled. I wanted to know how it was possible for the congressional Liason would say that Lynns case was at Guangzhou two weeks before he said it was sent. He explained that sometimes a person reporting data from a system they may be reading inter system notes about the case which are being interpreted as a completed clearence but in fact are not the final stage. Some people who are talking to individuals at various agency are reporting the daily office chatter and interpreting this as a clearence completed. There is a specific dfinition of the final permission for Guangzhou to complete processing commonly called the clearence. Some

people are telling folks that their clearence has been sent when it may just have been a memo to or from the consulate: To or from D.O.S. These being misinterpreted as Resubmit Or Cleared Or sent to GZ. I also questioned him about the EMS debate. He didnt reveal much about that however I am of the opinion the it was never the primary procedure.

Some people may have opted for the service. The congressional office has said that the consulate usually sent notices the fastest way possible

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