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SO emigration from China

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The account can be kept active, and just like in the usa, just have it sent to a local bank (bank of china) and they can forward it. Or have a relative send it.


Just so long as she remains Chinese, there are no problems!


Otherwise, it is hard for her to go back (unless her parents are still alive, in which case she can get a Chinese Green Card), but will be nearly impossible for you to go back (unless you have a huge wad of cash to invest, or unless you can get hired to work as a professor at a University, etc.), at least on a permenant/semi-permenant basis.


Plus, if she/he becomes a US Citizen, they may get drafted...Chinese citizens do not need to worry about that!

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About the Chinese retirement insurance (Chinese SS), my wife was told that she couldn't keep her account active, if she was living outside of China. So, she tried to take the money out that she had put in. They let her take about about %45...


My wife is living here now and still making payments to her Chinese SS account. Maybe you're wife got hit with the 45% payment because she wasn't retirement age yet! :blink:

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About the Chinese retirement insurance (Chinese SS), my wife was told that she couldn't keep her account active, if she was living outside of China. So, she tried to take the money out that she had put in. They let her take about about %45...


My wife is living here now and still making payments to her Chinese SS account. Maybe you're wife got hit with the 45% payment because she wasn't retirement age yet! :blink:




But could she maybe keep it there until retirement age without making payments in the meantime?

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