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FINALLY!!!!! Stepdaughter gets her green card

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Wifey and stepdaughter went for the AOS interview last May. Wifey got her green card but they said that my stepdaughter needed to wait for the famed FBI clearance. After waiting impatiently, like a 37 year old virgin on her wedding night, I called USIC las Thursday. Of course they gave me the "if you don't hear from us in 30 days, call back" routine. Well I checked the UCIS website today and it said her green card was approved Monday-2 business days after my phone call.


whatcha think??? was it sitting on a desk--finished and forgotten about??? Betcha it was!!!!!!

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Gives a whole new meaning to "don't call us, we'll call you". USCIS translation would be something like "if you don't call us, we'll forget about you."


Looks like you may have to file for removal of conditions at different times, but, hey, who said this process was easy. Maybe you can sell those EADs and recoup some of the costs. :lol:



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Gives a whole new meaning to "don't call us, we'll call you".  USCIS translation would be something like "if you don't call us, we'll forget about you." 


Looks like you may have to file for removal of conditions at different times, but, hey, who said this process was easy.  Maybe you can sell those EADs and recoup some of the costs. :lol:




Maybe I could sell the EADs-but they expired last July. Know anyone who wants to buy a slightly outdated work authorization??


Now WF is excited--she says she's gonna get an after school job!!! wifey says if she does that I won't have to give her an allowance anymore (WF-not wifey).


Dayum, ya just gotta love the way our Gov. works--Now i have to file the removal of conditions 6 months apart--efficiency rules at the UCIS!

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