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Ok so I screwed up and wasn't able to take many photos while I was in China to see my SO. Combination of my stupidity and a damaged camera is the reason. My plan is to be in China when my SO has her interview. If I take a many photos the few days before her interview, will this raise a flag by the VO? Also where can I can the photos printed if I download them to my computer from camera? Maybe just buy a few disposable cameras and take them somewhere?

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Ok so I screwed up and wasn't able to take many photos while I was in China to see my SO.  Combination of my stupidity and a damaged camera is the reason.  My plan is to be in China when my SO has her interview.  If I take a many photos the few days before her interview, will this raise a flag by the VO?  Also where can I can the photos printed if I download them to my computer from camera?  Maybe just buy a few disposable cameras and take them somewhere?


I had my photo's developed while I was in China I made copies for my wife, family and myself. The cost is very inexpensive I even had mine put in a plastic coating to protect them. I also had them burn CD's for me while I was there.

Edited by BillV 8-16-2004 (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
Ok so I screwed up and wasn't able to take many photos while I was in China to see my SO.  Combination of my stupidity and a damaged camera is the reason.  My plan is to be in China when my SO has her interview.  If I take a many photos the few days before her interview, will this raise a flag by the VO?  Also where can I can the photos printed if I download them to my computer from camera?  Maybe just buy a few disposable cameras and take them somewhere?


Truly, tho photos depicting the two of you together before filing the petition and within the two-years required is your VERY best bet. Pictures of the two of you together will serve no proof that you met before filing.


What they are attempting to prevent are those that visit a foreign country to meet someone, or more than one. Then, after the US citizen returns home they decide they are interested in someone that lives in the same city, but whom they've never met face to face. Thinking they can skam the system, these people file petitions that include boarding passes, hotel receipts, etc., and claim that they do not have photos depicting each other together.


Some American citizens also accept money for entering a skam marriage with the very same story.


While photos are not required, they indeed help a whole bunch. If you don't have photos providing other corroborating evidence that shows communication will be needed. This will take the form of several weeks of correspondence via email that all pre-date the time you filed your petition.

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That's a good idea! Now if I only had the available vacation time and a few grand to go. :angry:


I need to save as much money as possible in the next 6 months or so in order to go to China during her interview and hopefully bring her home with me. I have a years worth of emails, some phone records and IM's. 6 photos or 60 photos. Either way it shows I was with her.

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See IV Unit section map:



If your going to stay in this area, then see my comments on the westside where a kodak shop is...




Don't worry about tons of pictures.. if a VO asks for any, they'll probably only look at a few anyway.. I only build a folder with 12 pictures; 4 from each of my three trips... With many more in reserve if asked for.

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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