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Is there a Fax line that actually works at GUZ

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Well I have Now been up for about 40 hours

-so I now know what some of you have been going through


You can have emphathy for someone in my shoes -but there is nothing and I mean Nothing as frustrating as trying to prove to jaudice eyes thatthat I have a Valid relationship .


God- What I now recommend for eveyone is a Biogragher and a videogragher to follow your every move - to document and capture our most private and intimate thoughts.


Does Any one know of a Fax number that works for the Guz?

I want to get this thing going full steam ahead

The Information I got does n't talk about an appointment -

I am Not going to Send Anymore pictures Or Anything by FedEx or the other courier services - It's going to be in My hands all the time





I went to see a Woman in China that I had met pretty much by chance and she really fits my personality / goals /dreams and we are very compatible .

Sometimes you can search your whole life and Never find the One .

What did we do for 2 weeks

Well when we first met in person /face to face we just talked and then we when out to eat and then we talked somemore and then most of the nightwas gone and she had to go home . We really never did anything exciting just went out to eat alot , went shopping bought her a printer

met her Parents and weall got along famously-so I asked to Marry Me - we got her Father's and Mother;s approval and here we Are


Just Rambling

I need to get some sleep -can do that since I have to go see some sick animals- No it is n't avian influenza it's Brucellosis !!

It can kill you in a very slow and painful way - Not the Disease of the Week but still kills thousands in Africa .


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This is from the consulate page.. not sure what number you already have:


Contact Information

Address: No. 1 Shamian Street South, Guangzhou 510133

Phone: 020-8121-8000

Fax: 020-8121-9001



Consul General:

Edward Dong

CG OMS: Martha Petitt

ECO/POL: Harvey Somers

COM: Robert Murphy Tel 8667-4011, Fax 8666-6409

CON: William Martin Fax 8121-8428

ADM: Jeffrey Rock

RSO: Michael Brenn

PAO: Darcy Zotter Tel 8335-4269, Fax 8335-4764

FAS: Keith Schneller Tel 8667-7553, Fax 8666-0703

DHS/USCIS: Jackie Wong Tel: 020-8518-7651

Fax: 3884-4416




Hope you saw my link in your thread about how to schedule overcome appointment.. also take time to go to American Citizen unit...

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