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just an idea...

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Not sure it this was discussed before, but considering now that a lot of folks are in or going into the EAD/AP or AOS etc... could it be useful to create here a few sections/ forums separate from the main one.. the general discussion forum ...


for example..

-EAD/AP section

-An AOS / marriage questions section

I suppose, petition filing/ clearance stuff could stay in this section


This way, it's easier to fnd specific info or to contribute with one's specific case advancement status..

Just an idea..I'm a compulsive organizing freak ;)

Not sure either if it's more work for our great admin guys .




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Guest bbridges51



I"ve brought this idea up in December AND in January, but i don't think there was a critical mass of us at that point. Now that YOU have joined the ranks (or will shortly), it IS time to add these new forums (or at least a single Post Immigration forum for all our EAD/AOS etc discussions.


So, PJ, let's DO IT.


I'm leaving Nanjing in 5 hours for sunny california. Boy, it's been cold this winter in Nanjing compared to my visit last February. Brrrrrrrrr.


Eric: When is Yuhui coming?



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Eric: When is Yuhui coming?



Do me a favor Swing by Shanghai and pack her up for me will ya ? You can drop her off over Chicago.. I'll be waiting at O'Hare with a biiiiig air matress to catch her :o



Well, seriously, we got cleared ( apparently 2 weeks ago ) so we're waiting ( what's new? ) for GZ to sift through their big pile and print the darn thing, i suppose.

Have a good trip back !

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Guest bbridges51



Oh, i wish we COULD bring her home for you. SuJuan and I actually went to Shanghai TWICE during my visit. Last Thursday, we took the train down to complete SuJuan's vaccinations. there were no lines and we finished in 30 minutes. However, after being sent to a separate room to have her paperwork finalized, she was told she had to have her and Jiawei's pictures for the forms.


Oh, really? Then why wasn't she told before this?


So, Back on the train to home and BACK to Shanghai the next day.


Whew!!!! Some things just don't change, do they.


Brian (with TWO FILLED and heavy suitcases for the trip home)

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I"ve brought this idea up in December AND in January, but i don't think there was a critical mass of us at that point. Now that YOU have joined the ranks (or will shortly), it IS time to add these new forums (or at least a single Post Immigration forum for all our EAD/AOS etc discussions.


So, PJ, let's DO IT.


I'm leaving Nanjing in 5 hours for sunny california. Boy, it's been cold this winter in Nanjing compared to my visit last February. Brrrrrrrrr.


Eric: When is Yuhui coming?



Only P.J. has the POWER to set up a new forum. The time may be getting close for one dedicated to AOS and adjusting to the American way. I think if there is enough support, he will do his thing. :)

Hey, my 10 thinggies counts for a lot of support right?? And brian's lousy 5 too ! Or are they meaningless? :o



I'm just kidding Brian.. Have a safe flight home...

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Guest bbridges51

LOL Eric!!!


Yes, let's take a thingie count to see if this has support. There are more and more of us "Post-Visa" couples who would love to stay in CFL. There are still questions to ask and there is still need for a positive support group. CFL has been so important for the delay group that it's quite appropriate to continue growing.


And, now that PJ is joining the post-visa group, perhaps he can peak out from under the covers and add the forum.





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(And if you guys don't think the hard part is still ahead, you've never been married.)  :lol:

Duhhh....... B) Maybe you haven't been waiting long? I feel that after my bride is by my side, that anything the INS can throw at us will be easier. Together we conquer; apart is hell :D

and yes, I have been married . . . long ago and far away.

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(And if you guys don't think the hard part is still ahead, you've never been married.)  :(

Duhhh....... :lol: Maybe you haven't been waiting long? I feel that after my bride is by my side, that anything the INS can throw at us will be easier. Together we conquer; apart is hell :)

and yes, I have been married . . . long ago and far away.

ditto AZ.. Amazing.. Not only our timelines are close.. So is this....

But I won't expand :-) Let's look at the future now.. :D

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Hmmm ... it seems that people are trying to get my attention!

:( :) :lol:


Yes, I will create new forums. Also, I will need to change my hosting plan so Candle is more long-run viable since obviously it is not a for profit business.


If you guys can come up with a list of forums, we can narrow it down from there. Please feel free to make suggestions. Also, please provide a description below the forum, similar to the original forums on the main page.


I set up my account for the more expensive one with JSPs/Java since that's what I know and do for my career. However, this site doesn't even use JSPs or Java. I will have to take care of this sometime late March or early April.


Right now, I am going to take my fiancee to see the great American institution of WallyWorld (ie WalMart).

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Hmmm ... it seems that people are trying to get my attention!

 B)  :lol:  ;)


Yes, I will create new forums.  Also, I will need to change my hosting plan so Candle is more long-run viable since obviously it is not a for profit business.  


If you guys can come up with a list of forums, we can narrow it down from there.  Please feel free to make suggestions.  Also, please provide a description below the forum, similar to the original forums on the main page.


I set up my account for the more expensive one with JSPs/Java since that's what I know and do for my career.  However, this site doesn't even use JSPs or Java.  I will have to take care of this sometime late March or early April.  


Right now, I am going to take my fiancee to see the great American institution of WallyWorld (ie WalMart).

Hide your credit card!!!!!

You're lucky Don.. My credit card is 6500 miles away... LOL

But I do have access to http://americanexpress.com/cancelhercard.html at all times !


:lol: :lol: Not like I would do that though.. she is soooo good with it <_<

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