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Chinese versus Americanized names

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we use her chinese name everywhere.......

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After a few months of being married, my wife asked me to choose a English name for for..... So after careful consideration I gave her an English name, and she was very happy for a couple of reasons.  I put a lot of thought into choosing her name and for the meaning. We even shortened it to make it a daily life name, that didn't sound so formal.


    Several months later, she told me that she didn't like to have an English name and wanted me to call her by her given name.  She only wants to be herself,  and by being herself she has told me that she doesn't want to be somthing that is not!


    So we have nick names for each other and that has worked out wonderful!!!!


The only time she calls me by my real name is when she is being serious and wants to talk to me about an important matter. so when she does that,,, I know something serious is about to be discussed!


Good idea! Thanks for sharing! :D

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