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another black hole??

Guest agl88

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We know there is a Black Hole referred to August to Sept 2002 interview visa delay. Actually, what causes this black hole?


More importantly, does GZ take any action to prevent another Black Hole for the interview since November 2002?


In general, in which stage can GZ set up the interview for the applicants? If GZ is waiting for the name check clearance before setting up interview, everyone should get ACTUAL visa after the succesful interview. Any comment is much appreciated.

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We know there is a Black Hole referred to August to Sept 2002 interview visa delay.  Actually, what causes this black hole?


More importantly, does GZ take any action to prevent another Black Hole for the interview since November 2002?


In general, in which stage can GZ set up the interview for the applicants? If GZ is waiting for the name check clearance before setting up interview, everyone should get ACTUAL visa after the succesful interview. Any comment is much appreciated.


I agree with what you said, I've made similar posts before on this: For all new applicants, GZ shouldn't arrange any interview if it cannot issue visa right after the interview...


I believe this is a request we should all make to GZ, this will not only make them work to clear the backlog but also help all those in the waiting queue.


I am not sure at which stage GZ can set up interview, but they definintely do not need clearance to do so.


The only reason I can guess is they want to collect the money!! :greenblob: :redblob:

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"what causes this black hole?"


the july through sept (oct?, nov?) black hole was caused when a number of security checks were submitted in the old system - then a new system was implemented.


as near as i can tell, namechecks submitted from about May 1 (mine was may 9) through at least the end of august (thus the sept and oct interviewees getting caught up in this) were "lost" somewhere in the system.


from what i have been told, the namechecks DID clear "way back when," but either GZ was not notified, was notified improperly, or lost the notification. the problem was somewhere in that mess that included a change of database systems, and a change of policy at around the same time.


prior to late july, GZ could issue the visa if the namecheck did not clear in 10 days (assuming there must not be a problem). as of about july 22, they were ordered not to issue any visas without an actual clearance. for all we know, many/most of the namechecks prior to july were lost - but no one cared because the visas were issued anyway (and how'd all those terrorists get in?).


i wouldn't go as far as to say "this couldn't happen to other people", but in theory changing computer systems and policies at the same time shouldn't occur that often.


i would say this - if your namecheck has been in limbo for more than 4 weeks (regardless of interview date) i would be on the phone raising some hell. they could still be loosing namechecks at the same rate they were a year ago, and never solved the problem.


just my cynical 2 cents.

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"what causes this black hole?"


the july through sept (oct?, nov?) black hole was caused when a number of security checks were submitted in the old system - then a new system was implemented.


as near as i can tell, namechecks submitted from about May 1 (mine was may 9) through at least the end of august (thus the sept and oct interviewees getting caught up in this) were "lost" somewhere in the system.


from what i have been told, the namechecks DID clear "way back when," but either GZ was not notified, was notified improperly, or lost the notification.  the problem was somewhere in that mess that included a change of database systems, and a change of policy at around the same time.


prior to late july, GZ could issue the visa if the namecheck did not clear in 10 days (assuming there must not be a problem).  as of about july 22, they were ordered not to issue any visas without an actual clearance.  for all we know, many/most of the namechecks prior to july were lost - but no one cared because the visas were issued anyway (and how'd all those terrorists get in?).


i wouldn't go as far as to say "this couldn't happen to other people", but in theory changing computer systems and policies at the same time shouldn't occur that often.  


i would say this - if your namecheck has been in limbo for more than 4 weeks (regardless of interview date) i would be on the phone raising some hell.  they could still be loosing namechecks at the same rate they were a year ago, and never solved the problem.


just my cynical 2 cents.

Jon. Your "cynical" 2 cents are not. Those are "make sense" 2 cents.

We were told repeateadly.. No new namecheck request possible before 90 days ( GZ said that, computer won't accept it ) etc....

B.S... Mine was 11/16, then 1/27... For all I know, my alleged clearance of today is from the 11/16, and not the 1/27 request..

I really believe that we will never get to the bottom of this clearance stuff.

And by the time we might, we won't care because sweetie will be here.

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"Mine was 11/16, then 1/27... For all I know, my alleged clearance of today is from the 11/16, and not the 1/27 request.."


yah, leads me to beleive that they have been loosing namechecks all along - but with the old 10-day policy it just didnt matter. i imagine if we had all of the information, i'll bet that SOME late-july through september interveiwees DID get through (naturally they are getting on with their lives and not on candle).


so i'm wondering if the "black hole" is not more of an on-going thing as opposed to just the group of us from july through ???


also, if your interview was 8/1, your original namecheck was probably submitted about july 1 or earlier. ours was submitted may 9, and the original interview was july 20-ish. so about 5 weeks prior.


beats the heck out of me - i really HOPE that all of CAs promises come true this time - and that the lost namechecks are a thing of the past.

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"Mine was 11/16, then 1/27... For all I know, my alleged clearance of today is from the 11/16, and not the 1/27 request.."


yah, leads me to beleive that they have been loosing namechecks all along - but with the old 10-day policy it just didnt matter.  i imagine if we had all of the information, i'll bet that SOME late-july through september interveiwees DID get through (naturally they are getting on with their lives and not on candle).


so i'm wondering if the "black hole" is not more of an on-going thing as opposed to just the group of us from july through ???


also, if your interview was 8/1, your original namecheck was probably submitted about july 1 or earlier.  ours was submitted may 9, and the original interview was july 20-ish.  so about 5 weeks prior.


beats the heck out of me - i really HOPE that all of CAs promises come true this time - and that the lost namechecks are a thing of the past.

amen... we'll never know my friend.

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"what causes this black hole?"


the july through sept (oct?, nov?) black hole was caused when a number of security checks were submitted in the old system - then a new system was implemented.


as near as i can tell, namechecks submitted from about May 1 (mine was may 9) through at least the end of august (thus the sept and oct interviewees getting caught up in this) were "lost" somewhere in the system.


from what i have been told, the namechecks DID clear "way back when," but either GZ was not notified, was notified improperly, or lost the notification.  the problem was somewhere in that mess that included a change of database systems, and a change of policy at around the same time.


prior to late july, GZ could issue the visa if the namecheck did not clear in 10 days (assuming there must not be a problem).  as of about july 22, they were ordered not to issue any visas without an actual clearance.  for all we know, many/most of the namechecks prior to july were lost - but no one cared because the visas were issued anyway (and how'd all those terrorists get in?).


i wouldn't go as far as to say "this couldn't happen to other people", but in theory changing computer systems and policies at the same time shouldn't occur that often.  


i would say this - if your namecheck has been in limbo for more than 4 weeks (regardless of interview date) i would be on the phone raising some hell.  they could still be loosing namechecks at the same rate they were a year ago, and never solved the problem.


just my cynical 2 cents.

Jon. Your "cynical" 2 cents are not. Those are "make sense" 2 cents.

We were told repeateadly.. No new namecheck request possible before 90 days ( GZ said that, computer won't accept it ) etc....

B.S... Mine was 11/16, then 1/27... For all I know, my alleged clearance of today is from the 11/16, and not the 1/27 request..

I really believe that we will never get to the bottom of this clearance stuff.

And by the time we might, we won't care because sweetie will be here.

Your analysis of the situation is right on Jon and jives exactly with what I have been able to learn from various sources including Richard Adams. I suspect you are also right on the mark about the lost name checks and the possibility of that happening again. Also keep in mind that sometime awhile back, someone posted that one of the GZ officials had stated that they worked on a "passive system". In other words, if they don't hear anything they don't do anything. This was along about the time when we were all pushing them to resubmit our cases.


Another Black Hole? Is it in the realm of possibility? Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. :blink: Any time they change a procedure there is an increased chance of things getting lost, screwed up, or otherwise mishandled, misunderstood, or misplaced.


Again, thanks Jon for your insight and analysis. It really clarifies things, especially for the newbies.

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someone posted that one of the GZ officials had stated that they worked on a "passive system". In other words, if they don't hear anything they don't do anything.

Yes ! That is the core of our trouble.....Exactly right.

Unless WE asked, nothing would be done or questionned . Otherwise, there wouldn't be 2 or 3 namecheck resub per applicant. There were that many I believe because WE told those folks.. Say guys.....should not you check on that namecheck stuff you people requested from the Feds 2 years ago?

Sad.. but I believe true.

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