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Hello everyone. I sent out our I-129F on Oct 8th. I am already a nervous wreck. So worried that something may go wrong. I know this is the beginning of a long road and anything can happen, but I will try to relax and stay positive. My SO hates it when I worry or think too much. lol.


I met my beautiful Chinese fiance Oct 04' online. We chatted for one year and fell more in love with every passing day. I went to see my Li Sept 14th and returned Oct 3. Her English isn't the best and I am also trying to learn Chinese. But it is such a difficult languange.


I would like to ask the board if anyone has a suggestion on user friendly translation software for the computer. And also possibly any recommendations on the hand held type also. I also read somewhere on the board about some of you getting CCTV through sattelite. Who provides those channels in the USA?


Thanks to everyone on this board for making this the place to go for encouragement and much needed advice. I will post my timeline as soon as I learn how and receive my case number.



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My SO uses Kingsoft translation software on her computer, I use Alta Vista Babelfish, and www.mandarintools.com. She has a Langwen 8388/Yishen 888 (I think) handheld sentence translator, which worked very well for us on my last trip.


I'll be subscribing to the Great Wall package through Dish Network - also check with DirectTV and your local cable company.


To enter your timeline, click on "My Controls" on the front page, and "Enter Signature".


Any more questions? You came to the right place. Welcome.

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Welcome aboard Todd. You will find friends here. Steer clear of those goat men. They have not learned the value of the ewe. Us sheep men know the true path. Now to have a little fun with you why don't you search this site for references to cheetos. They will get you through the long wait.

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There is no spell check until the Triggitionary first edition is published. Search that!


Til then spell anyway you like. You will soon learn no matter how you spell some will understand and some won't. Have you followed any long threads here yet? Ever play the telephone game were you pass a wishpered sentence down a line of people? You soon will :rolleyes: I try to keep them on topic but it is a hopeless task. :ph34r:

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Welcome to CFL ! :)


When I first meet my lady, she could not speak any english...


I used babelfish as well... but the translation (of any program) is sometimes a babel betweeen these two languages, so be careful. I would often translate to chinese, then back to english. If I could not make sense of what I had just said, it was time to change the original. Keep sentences short and simply; apply the ABCs (accurate, brief, clear).


When are are together, we did use a hand translator... so I think this is a good idea as well...


She is now here in the US with me... so all I can encourage you to do is not worry so much about the petition or process and just be informed and have clear expectations... share them with her.


Again, welcome !

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